Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Very Special Day!!!

My very dearest Marmite,

Happy Birthday! In human years you are very nearly one hundred. You are a truly amazing old man who has brought so much joy to so many people. You have been a therapy dog and a male model in your day. Every day I miss you,  yet I know that you are in the very best place and enjoying every minute of your life.

Over here in England the weather is decidedly the wrong side of nippy and when I get up to go swimming in the mornings I dress up in so many layers you could not imagine it. I have been here for over 10 months now and I still haven't got the hang of dressing appropriately for the cold weather. I took Shadow for a walk around the Rec and my feet got sodden from the wet grass. I get on my bike thinking I will freeze and end up stripping off layers en route. I can't seen to get this right.

Today I saw a man jogging in shorts and T-shirt when the temperature was minus 2. Just last Sunday I played tennis is foggy conditions. The football match happening on the same fields must have been a farce as you  really couldn't see across the pitch while I could only just see the far side of the court. This is proof that the English  really are barking mad!

Brexit is a fine example of total stupidity. Big bad Boris promised an oven ready deal which he said had been signed, sealed and delivered. The great British public must have believed him when they voted  him in with a landslide. If he wadn't talking out of his arse then, why is he failing around to scrape together a deal which by all accounts will turn Kent into a lorry park? Un-bloody- believeable.

Some things have changed drastically over the time I have been in Singapore. We used to stick a tree up inside the house and give it some quiet bling. Now so many people go overboard and decorate their house fronts for the festivities. This takes time. I saw how hard the man down the road from me worked to add festive bling to our little street. 

I felt rather guilty that I hadn't quite got in the spirit so I bought an £8 Tesco tree complete with lights and battery to put in my bedroom window. to be honest I probably shouldn't have bothered. It looks rather sad. I am even embarrassed to take a photo of it. It will probably take me some time to actually do the right thing. 

I have decided to buy some snow boots - I don't like wet socks squelching round my toes. but there are no boots in my size at a price I want to pay! I have been here such a long time yet I still slip into Sing dollar mode and think something is cheap when it is actually quite expensive. Fifty dollars and fifty pounds are very different but my mushy,  muddled brain sometimes doesn't quite connect with currency conversions.

So from a muddle -headed slightly cold me, I will say bye bye and wish you all the best for many doggy years to come. Have fun old man.



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