Monday, November 15, 2021

Two years ago my journey started

 Dear Marmite

I moved out of our house in Singapore two years ago yesterday and how time has flown. Even so, looking back at lot of things have happened since that day. Even now I still miss Dairy Farm but I have to say that friends who knew my home in Singapore reckon that my place here in the UK is very similar in feel. I like where I live now but it is not Dairy Farm.

Slowly my home over here is taking shape. This week the flooring finally got laid and it has made a big difference to the noise in the room. The old stuff looked like lino. It was shiny, orange and cheap-looking. Now the feel of the wooden flooring is much earthier and surprisingly quieter. Having this done means there is one more thing to tick off my checklist. 

I have an electrician coming round tomorrow, and providing his quote is reasonable, that will be another thing I can tick off. The power shower needs fixing or replacing, some lights need sorting, as do a few of my sockets. So as you can see, I have made quite a list. Little niggles are par for the course when you move house. It has taken me much longer than most to get round to doing them.

While all this is happening, I am slowly tackling the painting too. I did the hallway the other day. It certainly looks better for it. The only trouble is that I have paint and painting stuff lying around and this looks a little messy.  I took time out to doodle while the floor was being done - that made time slip away. So two steps forward, one step back on the progress front. 

The nights are drawing in and by 5 o'clock I need to put lights on indoors. In the shops everything is now red and tinsely. There are still gaps on the shelves and all is not well on the retail front but you would not think that nearly 100 people are dying of COVID everyday and infection rates are just under 40,000 every day here in the UK. I have noticed that some shops are withdrawing sanitising stations at the front and fewer people put masks on even in the shops. So here at least it seems to be SNAFU.

Last Saturday I went for a curry in a bank! It used to be a bank and its history has been thinly disguised. I think the table where I sat was probably where people queued for the teller. The place was packed, the food was good and with my doggy bag I have had curry for the two days since. A little highlight in my life!

Yesterday being Rememberance Sunday, I went to the local church for the service. I learned that 40 men gave their lives to war in this parish. Considering how rural it is, that must have been a big sacrifice. As a stranger, I was introduced to lots of people so I had the challenge of remembering everyone's name by the end and what they were important for. As with the pub, the village is a very welcoming place. 

I am also getting to know some of the local dogs too. I don't know their names though. There are rather a lot of them and I am sure you would have felt quite at home here. I am glad that you are still keeping well and enjoying life over in Singapore though. It is the best place to be even though I miss you dearly.

Love you loads as always



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