Monday, September 28, 2020

A misquote from Samuel Johnson

 Dear Marmite

It has been over a week since I last wrote to you. I am sure you must be in fine fettle and still enjoying life at its gentle pace. Over here I have been busy but I am not too sure what has taken up my time. The hours morph into days and the days into weeks and all I can think about is how the weather has turned.

As August turned into September we had glorious sun and summer warmth but now that September is turning to October there is a permanent chill in the air and we have had a few very miserable days. It is all we Brits seem to talk about. Even my English friends in France have weather on their mind. So it is not only English gentlemen that discuss whether the weather be hot or cold, bright or cloudy, windy or calm - women do it too.

Whatever the weather, I still go out on my bike. The other day I was nearly blown off it. Pedalling into a high wind was hell. I was well and truly puffed out and all this on top of my daily dip in the pool to boot. In contrast, I went for a two-hour jaunt around the villages with Nasser yesrterday and it was like a summer day when you were not shadowed by trees. 

We are also over the Equinox and that means the days are getting shorter. It isn't quite like Singapore where the sun goes down and it is instantly dark, there is a twilight period so when the sun goes down around 7pm it really does start to get dark around 6:15 and I really do feel that winter is just around the corner - brrrrrrrr.

There is one thing that I do miss from the old days in Britain. That is the weather forecast on tele. Michael Fish, the presenter, wove a tale of fiction about what we could all expect weatherwise the following day. The forecast became as much a part of conversation as the actual weather in those days. 

He even made it as a worldwide celebrity in October 1987 when he said that England was not going to experience a hurricane and then we had a storm that was in effect a hurricane. I wasn't even in the country then. I was living in a part of the world that has a hurricane season. Michael Fish's fame made it to The Bahamas. For a humble weatherman, that is some feat. 

Anyway. the autumn sun is out today and it really does fill me with joy to see it. I think with all my time living away from this misty Isle, I have taken the sun for granted. Now my home is England, I promise never to do so again. 

Despite your very thick, silky fur coat appreciate what you have with Rita in a lovely warm country. 

Take care, Marms... I miss you every single day



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