Sunday, July 18, 2021

Rotten Tomatoes

Dear Marmite

Over here the weather is hotter than Singapore. Meanwhile Germany is experiencing horrendous floods and in America there are wildfires. What an odd world we live in! Even odder was the apocalyptic movie I sat down to watch with my Grandson, Dylan. He wanted to watch Greenland - a stupid title to start with as everybody heads there so it is no mystery that America will be destroyed by an asteroid shower along with 75% of the world. 

We both agreed that the characters did really stupid things and the story stretched out through really improbable events. For starters, how do asteroids know that for maximun affect they have to fall on urban places and freeways? None of the asteroids hit any of the main characters either - remarkable! By the end of the movie Dylan said he would give it three out of ten. I personally thought that was generous as it took up over 90 minutes of my life and apart from the joy of watching it with Dylan, I could see no point to it at all. 

Now I am alone again. Sammi has gone back to work and the boys are back in Scotland. The house is pretty quiet, the washing up is just one bowl full each day and I have no one to play tic tac toe and strategy games with for a while. I feel I am pretty busy though getting back to the usual cycle, swim, tennis routine. 

Tomorrow is a particularly exciting day as my sofa arrives. I bought it before the exchange of contracts on this house so I have waited for this day since early May. What is more, I brought a futon back from Singapore as a temporary bed / sofa and it has been my only sofa since February 2020. I really am excited. 

Things I am not excited about are the change of rules as we come out of lockdown tomorrow while the number of COVID cases is going up exponentially. I, for one, will remain cautious. I can foresee us being in the same state this time next year - perhaps with other countries putting us on the red list. 

I also think that living in a particularly small village makes the likelihood of me coming into contact with someone who has it more remote. I still haven't been down to London since arriving here last year. That makes the possibility of seeing you, Marms even more remote. 

Please remember that I am always thinking of you. 

Love you soooo much,



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