Friday, April 15, 2022

Happy Easter number 3!!

 Dear Marmite

Time flies and this is my third Easter here in the UK. The days are getting longer and the weather at last is heating up. We have been promised temperatures as high as 22c. This, I know, you will think as cool. For me - I am already excited about playing tennis in clement conditions.

With Spring in my heart, I set off on Monday for a bike ride to the Three Locks along the canal. This was a team trip with Yvonne and her hunsband, Steve. The round trip was about 30 miles except we didn't finish. I got a blow out near Campbell Park and despite being with a maestro tyre fixer, I ended up walking back the way I came. Yvonne and Steve headed for a pub much closer to home, while I trudged on pushing my bike dreaming of the beer I had promised myself. This weekend my plan is to get the tyre sorted so I can go off again and do another jaunt if only to sit in a pub garden and have a beer!

Meanwhile, I have promised myself that I will do a long swim equivalent to a section of the Thames. I am planning to do a lot to start with so that any missed swims because of a potential social life won't stop me reaching the target. I used to Swim with you, Marms, so I plan to have your face as my picture on the wall chart. I'll imagine you alongside me all the way.

I have also caught up with Singapore friends too. David, who used to give you the ocassional walk, came for lunch last weekend. We did a quick circuit of the Ouse Valley Flood Plain - weather was glorious (UK style). I know, Marms, walking doesn't float your boat. That was always a No No and if you could, you would have let me take the lead without you attached. 

I then popped down to Chippenham to visit Rachel. Another lovely catch up. You'll be pleased to know that Claude - the white fluffball of a dog - who you used to walk with is doing well. We did a walk round Chippenham and then an amazing trip to Alcock - This is a National Trust Village that features in period dramas. I felt  mightily underdressed for the ocassion. I needed a lovely bonnet, Empire line, long dress and a muff  - and lots of lace - to blend in with the architecture.

So, all in all I have had a wonderful busy time. If only you could come and see my life over here. I have a comfortable car that you could come along for a ride in. I promise I wouldn't make you walk too much. There is nothing quite as nice as England when the weather is good and the evenings stretch out. 

Missing you loads and love you so much



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