Friday, July 8, 2022

A thorn in my side

 Dear Marmite

Summer is in full swing and everyone seems to smile more over here. It is lovely to be in the UK at this time of the year. My flowers are surviving the drought and my garden looks quite pretty. So why do I have a need to complain?

Life is never smooth. That is how it was when I set off for a spin on my bike and YET again I end up with a flat tyre. This is a bit of a groundhog day moment. It happens for too often. Of course, it all needed sorting and so with my bike in bits in my garden I found a very small thorn sticking through the tyre. I fiddled with it for some time before I thought. F**k it - I am going to get a new tyre! And, that is what I did. Some ££££ later and about 2 minutes fixing the bike shop had kitted my wheel with a pretty solid looking tyre. So it remains for me to try it out now.  Errrr.

I have also bought a new fridge-freezer. Currys is relentless in the amount of emails it sends to me asking how I like it and what I could also buy to make my kitchen experience even better. I also get emails about the payment plan for the fridge. This has probably delayed my writing to you!! The only trouble is that I don't have the damn thing. It hasn't been delivered. Temperatures are going up to 30c so that fridge had better be here soon. Errrrr.

There is one thing happening now that is even more exciting than Wimbledon. That is the Boris Shitshow and Omnishambles all rolled into one. If it was a movie you couldn't make it up. Chris Pincher - or more aptly named - Chris Groper was the final straw. Now the cabinet are admitting to lying for Boris and have resigned. Why did they lie to start with? Has no one in the cabinet got a shred of integrity? Surely it isn't just Boris that is rotten to the core? Errrrrr....

So in the national media people are being dragged out to talk about the Boris legacy. Loads of bollocks and drivel floating over the airwaves. From my perspective on this is his world beating death rate from COVID and a BREXIT that still isn't sorted. I don't think history will be kind to him. Apparently when he leaves number 10 he will be homeless - how sad!

Watching Wimbledon live has been a great waste of my time and I've loved every minute. I am mostly wrecked after two hours of tennis so I know how much playing tennis at that level must hurt! I would like to see Jabeur and Kyrgios as champions with only one small addendum - I hope against hope that Kyrgios has been wrongly accused of being abusive to his girlfriend.  I don't want to support a mysognist though I do tend to go for the off beat players. I loved Nastase back in the day!

And so Marms, I have to admit to having enjoyed having Shadow around for a couple of days. Shad the Bad moved her bed so she could see me in bed. She also refused to walk over a lock so I went on another route with her. Apart from those things she was quite a little darling. A lady walking her own dog recognised her and asking if the dog is walking was Shadow.  She is famous in these parts!! 

You Marms will always be my number one though. 

Love you.


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