Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Road kill and other murderous thoughts

 Dear Marmite

A nice picture of a blanket I am making. I didn't want to push the road kill point too much

Last night at the quiz we were asked a question about road kill in the UK. I know this might be a squeamish topic for you but it is part and parcel of living in the UK. Anyway, here's the question: What mammal is most frequently killed on British roads? Well, I thought it had to be rabbits. Around my way there are always hundreds of them running back and forth across the road to my village. For sheer numbers there have to be more rabbits around to be killed. 

Also from my cycling, I see lots of unfortunates with their guts spread across the road. I really thought my logic would win the point. I was wrong. Badgers are the most common form of road kill. There is even a badger tunnel under the road to my village. Even this didn't make me feel they were the most common victims. Then, on my journey home from The Cowpers Oak quiz, there was a dead badger and a bit later two dead rabbits on the road. What are the chances? eh?

The other day I nearly fell off my bike when a squirrel ran between my wheels and then ran across my path. I wobbled. The squirrel got out of the way and disappeared into the hedgerow. I muttered rude words at it - after all, squirrels are only rats with PR. Cute as they are, they are annoying and vermin. Why I tried to avoid it and endanger myself, I'll never fathom. 

I even stopped along the canal towpath to have a conversation about a very bold fox that was standing there and totally unconcerned about the humans and dogs around it. It was at home and happy to be seen. It looked quite gorgeous and very much alive! Only momentarily did we consider foxes to be the answer. 

That wasn't the only question that set us on the road to failure. We thought Super Mario's first job was a plumber. We wiped out on that round and lost a potential 20 points because of that. Final score - we lost the quiz and £30 by half a point! How annoying is that? 

Despite our booboos in the quiz, I left smiling because I had yet another fun even with friends who make me laugh. They are also remarkable quizzers and only ocassionally do I come up with something original and unknown to the others. They are especially nice as they let me play with them. No murderous thoughts on my part there!

However, after a recent fun tournament at my local tennis club where you play with a different partner for each round, I ended up feeling like I had barely survived a round with Mike Tyson. I got to the final and lost. Made it home, collapsed on the sofa and then could hardly move! The other three finalists were at least 30 years younger than me. I bet their bodies didn't feel like mine did last Sunday. 

Being a glutton for punishment, I went to the pool and did 2.5km on the Monday after the tournament. It was a hair of the dog moment -  Kill or cure! 

Now I am at the point of needing a new fridge/freezer. The old one is close to death's door. It doesn't seal properly and the freezer has so much ice in it there is probably 30% of the space taken up. Argh. Marms, decisions, decisions. What should I do? Should I wait til it dies or get rid of it and choose one I really want?

I wish you were here to talk things over with.. I promise I won't discuss road kill too often. It is not a nice subject, is it? However, I took this picture as it reminded me of you - I won't say more!

Love you



  1. Get a new one! Life's too short to put up with inefficiency if it can be avoided
