Tuesday, August 23, 2022

A very hectic week

 Dear Marmite

Not only did I have Shadow and Lucky around this week, I had accompanying big people as well. My house was full. Sammi came down from Scotland via Cambridge and London. Mohan and Shiv (Sammi's school friends) arrived around the same time and Danielle was also around too with Ezra-Mae. Oh how busy I was. It was lovely though and I sure you would have loved seeing old familiar faces. 

I was expecting Sammi and Mohan around lunch time on Tuesday. However, their cycle trip from London took them literally round the houses and they arrived late afternoon. They were using google to guide them. Nuff said! 

The three of them said goodbye and set off for Oxford on bikes on Thursday morning. Sammi used mine which is a bit dodgy after the accident. He got all the way to Oxford and then nearly back to Silverstone where he had a flat. So it was Mumsie to the rescue. Lucky and I piled into my car and set off in search of Sammi who had found a nice little pub. Just like the old days, I took a few snacks so he wouldn't starve on the homeward trip in the car! This is probably a Mum-thing. I expect all Mums would do the same.

So after 120 miles cycling over three days, Sammi was still fit for the local table tennis club at our village hall. Nasser brought his two brothers along so it was a lively session indeed. Village life is pretty good. Everyone knows each other in my village and although I am not really a table tennis player, I try to hold my own among the men players. They are all lovely people.

The boys and I did a speed quiz in a local MK pub on the Wednesday. Once I had got over the fear of finding an answer quickly, I really started to enjoy myself. Sammi and his friends teamed up with a couple of my brilliant quizzing friends to make up a team that absolutely wapped arse! The last round is a bit scary where the team with the fastest correct answer automatically goes one point in the lead. We were 80+ points clear at this stage and suddenly we slipped down the leader board. All came good in the end though!

Sammi did some baby sitting for Ezra-Mae when he was down here. It was quite a saga. With only a little exaggeration, Sammi reckons Ezra-Mae was on a death wish. At one point she was looking up the nose of a cow as Sammi was trying to extricate her while holding two dogs at arms length from the cows.  He said he carried her home under one arm  muttering rude words at her.  She really is fearless. Sammi on the other hand is permanently traumatised from the experience.

Apart from playing table tennis, picking blackberries and drinking a few bevvies, Sammi and I hit the Scrabble board, played Canasta and Bananagrams each evening. I love games and having him around is a really joy so I am still smiling despite having said goodbye to my beloved son.

I miss you too. Love you as always


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