Sunday, August 14, 2022

Oh Calamity

 Dear Marmite

I was going to tell you all about my trip to Chippenham and my time with Claude and Pips. I think we had a good time together - they certainly needed lots of fuss. I did lots of exploring - especially the prehistoric bits of the area - Avebury, the Cherhill Horse a hill fort - All these interesting long walks were energy sapping in the intense British summer. The heat felt more like the Middle East than Old Blighty and I had plently of adventures - mostly involving map reading - sad to say. However, all these happy memories were surpassed yesterday afternoon when I went flying! 

Yes, I flew over my handlebars. This was an adventure I can well wait to experience again anytime soon. I had been swimming with Ezra-Mae and Danielle. This is always wonderful as Ezra-Mae just loves the water. Full of the joys etc....I set off on my bike for home which is less than 15 mins away but nearly didn't make it. A boat owning, basket case of inestimable magnitude had tethered his boat to a park bench, moved a lifebelt and its housing to pin the rope in place across the towpath and left the boat. I slowed down but didn't manage to get over the rope without incident. 

The offending boat

Me sunbathing

Twats idea of mooring a boat

I landed on my back with the bike near me. I actually reckoned I bounced pretty well -  with no bone breaks but my body today feels like I have been in the ring with Tyson Fury.  My bike got hurt and my watch is broken. My pride is sore and I still feel so embarrassed being surrounded by lots of people on the tow path all concerned about me.They phoned an ambulance but with waiting times and other people needing support more than me, I said I'd be OK. At one point Danielle told the help line I was 10 years younger than I really am... I love her!

So from my lying down position someone took pictures of the boat and me on my camera, I also have witness phone numbers. Danielle came to the rescue, Hazel - a first aider checked me over and helped me and Dan - a fellow cyclist offered himself as Dan-the-Crutch and helped me along the towpath back to the bridge. All this was rather slow going. The Rusty Duck narrow boat then gave me a lift. This meant that Dan-the-Crutch went back to being a cyclist and pedalled into the sunset - lovely man!!

Nasser and his brothers came to the Galleon to pick up my bike where Danielle, Ezra-Mae and myself sat supping beer... Well, I supped beer, E-M had Cheddars and Danielle had a lemonade - mums-to-be can't drink! Without friends where would I have been? I remember when I got knocked off my bike in bukit Timah - I actually broke my leg that time and I managed to get me and my bike back home. After nearly 12km I am not leaving that bike lying around anywhere!

So today all plans are cancelled. I can't go swimming - I can't move. Today I am angry. My fury knows no bounds. Because of a boat owners crass stupidity, I hurt! I know there are others who have worse. Rachel is in Alicante and there are wildfires close by. The pictures are horrifying.


I just want to see the twat that thought it was OK to put a rope across a towpath. I want to thump him. 

And so Marms that is my life this week. It was nice having a face time with you. I think you are doing marvellously even though your body probably hurts more than mine. We also realised you were born in 2006 and so you are a whole year older than I have been saying you are. 

I am thinking of you always and i love you... 


PS Claude sends his love!

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