Saturday, November 14, 2020

A year of living dangerously

 Dear Marmite

It was one year ago today that I left my Dairy Farm home for the last time and started my vagrancy. I look back at all the things I have done over this year and then I look back and think that it was no time at all.  I see it as the start of my journey and still I haven't got a place I would really call home. 

As it is a time for looking back and getting a bit nostalgic, I feel I am missing my old life. I know this old life doesn't really exist anymore and the lovely farewell parties probably wouldn't have happened if I had left this year. Mostly I miss the people - especially the Dariy Farm ones - and you old Marms. No dog says, "Hellooooo" to me each morning in Milton Keynes. 

So one year on, I am facing my first whole winter - not a nice thought. I reckon I have enough warm clothes this time round and at the moment I still manage to have cold showers but even that might not last as the temperature drops. Shadow doesn't like the bad weather either - she probably remembers those barmy warm days that never ended back in her time in Singapore too.

Even Christmas is uncertain this year. I feel for those celebrating Deepavali this weekend in small groups. It really is a different world with COVID dominating our lives. I am determined to make Christmas a bit special though. On my list are the things that you need to go searching for in Singapore - things like crackers, Christmas pud and Christmas drinks found only in Marks and Sparks in Wheelock Place!! Ginger wine will definitely be on the menu and my day will definitely start with a Bucks fizz. All I need is a houseful to make it a real celebration. I think my Christmas of 2016 is the benchmark for having a good time. 

At the moment I have shingles. Compared to COVID this really is an inconvenience. It means I have a bit of a rash, sleepless nights and I am a bit under the weather. Danielle has Gestational diabetes, she is an O neg and she has allergies so the NHS have pulled out all stops to help her overcome all these little setbacks. Poor girl doesn't stand a chance - she has my allergy problems, her father was borderline diabetic and her grandmother was a type 2 diabetic so with a combined dodgy medical history thank God for the NHS. Billie Bump will be fine.

So from Lockdown - ish England with wall to wall Canasta, it remains for me to send my love over the airwaves and tell you as always how much I still love you, Marms.



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