Wednesday, November 25, 2020

One week and counting...

Dear Marmite

Just over a week to go and we will be out of Lockdown - Not Lockdown 2 and depending whether we live in a high risk zone or not we could be in for more of the same. However, this won't be called lockdown after December 2nd so it won't be as bad  - perhaps! Fortunately for us Brits, the virus will miraculously disappear over Christmas and mistletoe will abound! 

So all this means I could be back to my swimming regime and playing tennis as well as cycling come December 2nd - Oh joy of joys. I am planning Christmas as if it were a funeral. The turkey deserves a good send off! For good measure I will even set fire to the Christmas pud. These small touches to turning Christmas into a funeral mean that up to 30 people can gather and I am sure a few rounds of spoons won't be too much of an issue as the virus will absent itself from our fair isle for the duration of the celebrations.

Danielle and I visited the family graves in Leighton Buzzard on Monday. It was a perfect winter day with clear skies, glistening grass but with rather a lot of fresh graves. I made my third attempt to find my Aunty Grace's grave as I have promised to tend to it. In the end Danielle's need to have a wee stopped our search. I promise I won't give up. 

With COVID rules, I thought that only emergency dental work was being carried out so I delayed making a routine check-up appointment for nearly a year. I phoned around a few local surgeries  but to no avail. One woman receptionist told me she couldn't see why I didn't use my old dentist when I told her I had just moved into the area. If only she knew how stupid that comment was! It would have involved two fourteen hour flights and a two week quarrantive.

As it was, I have ended up paying the cost of a flight!! to have deep cleaning at a private dental practice in Central MK. I was impressed with the organisation - COVID-wise -  and the dentist wore a mask that resembled a WWll gas mask so her chatting to me and my answering were pretty minimal exchanges. I could well have been on a Dr Who set talking to an alien. I have had deeper conversations with you, Marms. 

Meanwhile on the home front, Danielle and Richard are filling every available space with baby stuff ready for the imminent birth of Billie Bump. When I had Laura way back in 1984, I went for minimal stuff as I left the country 6 weeks after she was born. Barry left the day after  she was born leaving me with a house to clear as well as having a new baby. The contrast in preparations for my first baby and for Billie couldn't be starker! 

I have bought them a decent buggy / car seat thingy as I went through far too many insufficient strollers during early motherhood. I remember having a secondhand Mothercare one in the Bahamas. Laura managed to unscrew a key part that changed the position to upright every time I took it out. This meant retracing my steps to find where I had lost it. Then we bought a new one in the States and that got lost on a flight. In Singapore, I bought a lightweight (probably Chinese made) one that I could take on the bus. This used to fold up with Sammi inside. So as you can see, I feel a stroller of quality (hopefully) is a good investment and hopefully not the cause of family tales involving kiddie disasters.

Inspired by Vanessa in Singapore - showing off her planting skills to you and Team Marmite, I have upgraded my herb tray in the kitchen. So far I have Rosemary, carrot tops, parsley, basil and corriander. I have also bought more seed packets and now need another place to plant these out... My home is just not big enough! 

We had a birthday celebration for Nasser last week. It was a small affair with a big cake and a treasure hunt around the house...another exclusive party! Have you any thoughts about how you will celebrate your 14th Birthday? It really is just round the corner now and I am so sorry I won't be there to celebrate with you. 

Missing you as always.

Love and hugs


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