Sunday, November 8, 2020

Season of mists and mellow lockdowns

 Dear Marmite,

This is day 4 of the new lockdown. It is a new style lockdown where almost everything is open except the things I want to do. I can't go swimming, I can't do pub quizzes but I can meet someone for exercise outside provided I am not holding a racquet. Ridiculous, to say the least. There are just as many cars on the road too.

Danielle can no longer work either so at 28 weeks pregnant she has to begin her maternity leave because of the lockdown guidelines. I can see some sense in this as she works with vulnerable people. However, 12 weeks is a long time to sit around and wait for a baby to arrive when you feel perfectly fit and there is little to do.

So where does this leave me? I am rolling around the bedroom floor every day - this is a fair description of my exercise routine. I also go out cycling. Over here, at the start of the ride I feel cold and wonder whether I have enough clothes on and then half way round I need to strip off because I begin to bake. Yesterday I did a hilly 14 miles along country roads where the Lycra lads were out in force. It reminded me a bit of the Sunday morning rides I did in Singapore although the men cycling there wore rather less stretchy stuff that they do here.

I think the first lockdown must have made hedgerow animals brave. Back in March, all sorts of creatures freely ran to and fro across the country roads. Now they are but squashed carcasses. I have seen rats - they deserve it, badgers, squirrels, deer, birds (non-descript / flattened), and rabbits all strewn on the tarmac. I am convinced these creatures might have wondered what has happened to this crazy year where we deserted the roads for so long and changed their habitat and caution by doing so.

Last night, Danielle and I played Canasta. I was being trounced right up to the end and then the Gods smiled favourably on me and I went out with a concealed hand which pushed me well over the 5000 mark. You might call me competitive but it is these small joys that keep me smiling, Marms. 

Oh how small my life is these days. I think I say this to you every week. I have been following the US election just for the comedic rhetoric. I shall miss Trump. There surely will never be anyone as blatantly stupid as he is, encumbent in the White House ever again. I kept checking The Guardian for results and to begin with it said it was too early to call - this was nerve-racking -  and then when I woke up it said it was too close to call - and this went on for an eternity. I missed something in the middle while sleeping. I think that was the exciting bit. 

I have also set myself some challenges for the month. Exercise every day... that is easy. Learn something online - I've started. Don't use the car... get smaller shops from Tesco and put them on my bike. Lose weight... I sit around far too much despite exercising. 

I know I moan but I am one of the lucky ones. Thousands are losing their jobs - especially the young. The government is wasting billions on ineffective measures to curb the virus - mostly giving this money to incompetent cronies. Rishi Sunak has lost count of the different ways he has promised to help businesses while people at the heart of society struggle. The landlady of one of the pubs I do the quiz at is losing her job with Heineken because she hasn't met her targets. The food parcel deliveries aren't happening this time either. Against this background, house prices are still rising. How? 

Above all, Marms you are among the luckiest. You have Rita to spoil you and you no longer get dragged out for long walks. Keep smiling, Singapore is a good place to be. 

Love you as always



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