Monday, February 8, 2021

The Beast From the East

 Dear Marmite

You may be wondering what this beast is. Well, I can tell you it has been most unwelcome in some ways. Darcy is his name and he has brought with him, strong winds and persistent snow. The view from my bedroom this morning was beautiful. At first sight from my bedroom window, Darcy filled my heart with joy. My small world was awash with white.

I was raring to get outside. The big kid not so far inside me got all excited. Yay! I thought. I dug around for my salopettes and set off for a slippery walk with Shadow - who I must say was even more excited than myself. We scrunched our way along the lane and up into the recreation ground only to be greeted by other equally mad dogs who were frollicking at speed and charging each other on the icy, white coating. Maybe Marms, there isn't a big kid inside me - it could be a big dog instead! 

It is the afternoon now and it is still snowing. It is probable that it will continue to do so for quite some time. In its way it is a good circuit breaker. Bad weather encourages people to stay at home reinforcing our dear government's message. At least I seem to vaguely remember that being a message some time ago. 

With our government over here in the UK rules change randomly and frankly you need to be on the ball. I can't keep up with the changes. I am not sure whether we should. "Eat out to help out" or not. The economy is going down the pan so that to me seems logical. I do know they are having second thoughts about vaccinating people as people are not protected from the SA variant, apparently.

I am far to young to worry about getting a vaccination yet. The NHS periodically asks me to donate blood and then cancels the appointment. This tactic is keeping some poor soul in work - very much as people were in Franz Kafka's The Castle, I expect. To be honest I am past being bemused and each time I am contacted I get more irritated, errrrh.

I very much wanted to let out a VERY, VERY loud errrrh in Tescos last week. My daughter had bought a large plastic storage box for baby paraphenalia  - sadly it was cracked so I took it back with the receipt inside and picked up a new one to replace it at the check out. I started to explain to the lady that the previous one was...... but before I could finish the sentence she said, "Customer Services". I opened my mouth to speak again but before I could utter a word she said, "Customer Services," Even I unterstood this. You too, Marms would have got the drift pretty quickly. She didn't need to have said it about five times in the manner of a broken record. This was obviously her modus operandi.

This draws me to the conclusion that either I must look pretty dim and lack basic comprehension, or- and this suits my perspective much more - Tesco staff are employed for their limited ability to speak in a polite and congenial way. If only she had said, "I'm sorry, I can't help you with this, you should take it along to customer services where they will be able to help you." This would have saved her the effort of repeating herself repeatedly. AND I WOULD BE A HAPPY SHOPPER... errrrh. (no picture of check out lady!)

I never had to repeat anything twice to you but then you were always a very smart cookie, Marms. Being a dog at heart we were made for each other.

Love you


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