Sunday, February 21, 2021

Where did that week go?

 Dear Marmite

I remember looking forward to Chinese New Year and now it has slipped into history. Lockdown is not good for the brain. Nothing significant happens so it is difficult to measure the passing of time. There are whispers that March 8th is release day! I can feel a tingle of joy inside me already.

Some days are positively Spirng like and then days like today are wet and miserable and most uninviting. With or without Shadow I brave the elements and go out for a daily saunter and the biggest joy is seeing the Spring flowers waking up. This is testament to the power of nature. Despite suffering temperatures of -7c, the ground freezing over, snow covering the land, and flooding; these little flowers have survived and are thriving. 

Something I won't miss about Singapore is the lack of seasons. It was terrible. The sun shone every day and you never had to wear anything heavier than a cardigan. You never had to worry about gloves, woolly hats, scarves - just a dab of factor 20 and off you went - awful! 

As I have mentioned before, Marms, I am still on the look out for my forever home. Danielle has added to the list of things she wants in this home. These include a treehouse - big enough for her to use! and a hot tub in the garden. I'd quite like a sea view but that is unlikely round where I live. By this time next year, I will have my wish (perhaps not with a seaview) - I wonder if Danielle will have hers.

I have been looking at tumble bin composters for quite some time as my compost heap is not working fast enough for my liking. I was expecting to be able to dig most of the contents into the ground this Spring. I bought one from B&Q and set about constructing it. Before I finish my story, I have to say that I quite like doing things like this. It appeals to the more technical side of my brain. I had also read the feedback comments before I chose that particular one so I knew there would be a few pitfalls. 

I did OK. I't was all really plain sailing... until.... bolting the two halves of the drum together. Around the drum there are probably ten or twelve holes for nuts and bolts - all supplied. I managed to get three of them fitted but the others were nigh impossible. I thought it was a matter of strength so I called for help. Still we couldn't get any of them to tighten up. 

At this point I had realised that we were a few nuts and bolts short of the required amount so I popped back to B&Q with a sample in hand. While waiting at the till to speak to customer services, the penny dropped. Aha... the threads on the given nuts and bolts were not formed properly. It wasn't a "woman" thing that I couldn't manage. It was poor quality bits that didn't work and that is what thwarted me.

The workers at B&Q were more than helpful and I now have a few more nuts and bolts than necessary but the composter is fully operational and it didn't take too many expletives to finish the job. 

I know that my world is pretty pathetic when the highlight of my week is setting up a composter. What else have I done? Tescos, walking, drinking coffee eating too much, making sourdough, rocking Billie to sleep, drinking coffee, reading, watching movies, eating too much... not a lot to be honest. 

As for Bonnie Billie AKA Ezra-Mae, AKA The Might Waaa... she is amazing. At one month old she commands all in her presence to do her bidding. We all enter in earnest conversations with her whether it is a wet nappy, an empty tummy, a lack of sleep or the wrong sort of cuddle that is troubling her. She  duly obliges with different tones of "Waa". If all else fails, I threaten to sing to her. Even Danielle tells her that Nana will sing to her if she is not good. She is smart enough to know that is a serious threat indeed. 

So Marms, that is my little world. I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you visit the vet. Be nice and let them take good care of you. I know that the vet is the least favourite of all the people you know in the world. Just remember - if you don't behave, I'll sing to you!!



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