Sunday, March 21, 2021

My hopeful future

 Dear Marmite

After what seems like months of looking, I have finally decided on the place I would like to live. It is just 2 miles away from where I am now provided I cycle along the tow path but 5 miles miles if I go by car. This means I can hop on my bike, cycle for a swim and back without breaking into a sweat. The swimming, of course, depends on the whims of Big Bad Boris.

Before I started looking for a home I made a check list. I wanted something that was not on an estate or a main road. Somewhere I could wake up in the morning and feel like I was on holiday. I also wanted a big kitchen, eco credentials and a garden to potter in. Sadly this place doesn't tick all the boxes but it ticks enough for me to feel excited about moving. The small problem remains of sorting out my finances now  - oh the stress!

This stress has given me sleepless nights where my thoughts limp from the legal bits,  to the money to the packing of the bits I unpacked just over a year ago. I am sure all this is perfectly normal in the process of moving. Even Billie Bump AKA Ezra-Mae who is now over two months old doesn't make enough noise to wake me up. I can't blame her for the bags under my eyes. 

She is and getting big and bouncy. She has also sharted chortling so the moniker - The Mighty Waa no longer fits. It is lovely seeing a child grow up without having all the worries that accompany this endeavour. I remember feeling overwhelmed at trying to be the ideal parent and doing most of the jobs alone. Looking back I am surprised I wasn't on my knees with exhaustion more often. 

Over this past week, I have helped Nasser reshape his garden - he has done lots of the heavy work and I have added the finer touches. On Friday we started to build a shed. The instructions said it would take two people two to three hours to complete. We have so far built the same shed at least three times over two days and it still needs the roof fixing on. That is today's treat.

At least we have the sunshine of Spring and today is the Equinox so summer is just around the corner. I have survived my first complete British winter for 25 years. Happier and hopefully warmer days lie ahead - what joy!! 

So, as you see Marms, my life is filling up with bits to do and soon there will be places to go as well. 

I was sorry to see you so emasculated dressed in pink, by the way. Next time you end up the victim of a play date - my advice is to ask for more manly drapes.

Love you as always,



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