Monday, June 21, 2021

A Simba Moment

 Dear Marmite

I am sorry you missed a gathering of the clans this weekend. You would have loved having Shadow and Lucky to mooch around with. Sammi came down from Scotland with Lucky for Ezra-Mae's Christening. Danielle was so excited she came to my place to meet him. Our little walk round the village brought about a Simba moment.

On his train journey from Scotland he sat in the company of football fans who, from his account, entertained him with the banter. I am sure despite only drawing at Wembley, they were probably in high spirits on their return trip too. My son has jumped ship - he is now a Scotland supporter and come independence he intends to become a Scot. For now, he is pretty good with the accent. He'll need a kilt and a few more accroutrements to go the whole hog though.

Sam stayed with me - my first overnight guest - so the guest bedroom will now be known as the Sammi suite. He is popping down again with his nephews in a few weeks time so we will be off on an explore around the environs. I hope to get to Box End with the boys - an open water swimming place. By all accounts it is a great place to go.  I fancy the idea of building up to cracking ice come next winter so testing the waters in a British summer with my son and grandsons could be a good start.

For Sammi, it was the first time he had met his little niece and within moments of giving her a cuddle he again held her aloft just like Simba. He is tall so she had a long way to look down. He even sang and played his Ukulele in church - real God father stuff. The Christening was wonderful in so many ways - a great Vicar, a lovely atmosphere - we even sang a couple of hymns in the church yard despite the damp (COVID rules), plus the gathering of the two families and a fairly exclusive gathering back at Danielle's place afterwards. 

Sammi left his stuff in my car over the Christening as his plans were to go off with his Dad afterwards. His true Woolhead colours shone through when he completely forgot that I was driving off with his bits still in my boot so he had to do a detour to pick them up. Typical! I just wonder if he could manage to get a party started in a brewery. 

Now it is just another day. The weather is grim for June - even by English standards. I have been watching a pigeon over this morning in the tree just in front of my balcony. It has been buffered and blasted, yet, has still managed to cling on. The ground below is a carpet of blossom. My tree is no longer pink. The only plus is that everything is so lush. 

I have been thinking that I was so right not going for the place that had been previously flooded. I sometimes do make good decisions after all.

Having you was one of the best decisions..

Still love you and miss you.

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