Thursday, June 17, 2021


 Dear Marmite

I have come to realise that we may never get to see each other again - especially as the time of COVID such things as travel are near impossible. However, for me, a shortish trip this week to Cambridge reunited old friends from Singapore. Ironically we did it on the hottest day of the year. Margy who used to sit in the same row as me at work is settling to a new life close to where she was brought up. It is just a short hop away from my place. What are the chances? Suffice to say, I am still smiling about the whole thing. It was more lovely than words can say. 

I have also had my new washing machine delivered and plumbed in this week. I have been without one for about a month so I have ocassionally had to pop round to use my beautiful laundrette- AKA my beautiful daughter's washing machine. Now my super duper, ultra efficient, almost silent machine has been used almost constantly since it was installed on Tuesday. 

When the men turned up with the washing machine and I saw it being lowered off the back of the truck I was so excited. I seem to remember standing on the step flapping my arms up and down in joy. I might have even jumped up and down a little too. It was like a Christmas and Birthday all rolled into one. COVID makes small things seem so much more special, don't you think?

After the fiasco with the chair being delivered to the wrong house, I imagined my machine being plumbed in to some random person's utility room and I'd have to knock on some doors to track it down. In the end it was almost better than I could have hoped for. Oh Happy Days!!!

On the home front, I get a little bit done each day and slowly the house is coming round to be a home. There are a few things that I desperately want to change but they will have to wait. I have compromised on the curtains but at least my living room doesn't sound quite so echoey now they are up. My next big moment will come when the sofa arrives.  Another thing I am sure I will get really excited about - a comfy place to plonk myself.

Meanwhile, there will be a bit of a family gathering this weekend for Ezra-Mae's Christening on Sunday. Up until today the weather has been glorious. Come the weekend we are expecting thunderstorms. This is not an ideal forecast for a cramped celebration... Now where is my umbrella? More importantly, will the weather stay clement for a quick hit with my son? Fingers and paws crossed, Marms.

Wish you could be here,



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