Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Summer ups and downs

 Dear Marmite

We are in the hazy days of summer and life is good - mostly. Britain is on the brink of opening up and everyone has June 21st as the day when life will be as it once was. There is a small problem though - the Delta AKA Indian variant of the virus is spreading through the world like a summer wildfire and there are more than just whispers about a third wave and a fourth lockdown. Added to this, it is hard to know which countries are designated by the governement as RED, AMBER or GREEN and what these terms actually mean for travellers.

Meanwhile, in my little world, life can't get much better. I sat out deep into the evening smoking sheesha after a BBQ big enough to feed an army last Sunday. You couldn't find food better anywhere in the world. New Bradwell, MK is the venue. I can only look on in awe at how to BBQ properly. life doesn't get much better. 

I also went for my first group bike ride around the Red Ways of MK with three other complete strangers. I found a few new paths and bumped along a sizeable stretch of the Grand Union Canal. Again, the weather was perfect. Clearly, everyone agrees with me on this point. People were out in their droves, dogs in tow. 

On another jaunt on my bike, I ended up chatting to one of the narrow boat owners on the canal. Apparently, the popularity of owning a boat has gone through the roof and prices for boats have doubled. This particular man lives on his boat full time and teaches at a local college. It sounds idyllic in the summer months.

The downside of this wonderful world is hayfever. I am suffering big time - runny eyes, runny noses, tickly throat. I have realised that a purple climbing plant that is very much like Wisteria just by my front door is a major culprit. It is far too beautiful to cut down and it attracts wildlife. I select my key for the front door at the gate so I don't hang around the plant for any longer than I need to. 

The other big culprit is cow parsley. Living in the countryside there is no escape. Last night on my bike ride there were moments when I was half-blinded by the sinking sun and my eyes were watering so much, I could hardly see the tow path in front of my wheel - dodgy to say the least. This was especially so as I needed to keep wiping my nose while cycling.

On the home front, my washing machine is being delivered and plumbed in next week. Yay. I will have been without one for a whole month. This has been tough, to say the least. When it finally comes it will be well-tested and used for the first few days. My dining table arrives this week. This will be the first time I have had a table since I have been back home. I am also getting a partial refund on the butterfly chair that was delivered to the wrong address. So, as you can see, Marms, I am slowly getting sorted. 

I will be quietly celebrating your 14 and a 1/2 year birthday tomorrow. Like babies and old people, we start to measure age in smaller parts. Ezra-Mae is over 20 weeks now - heading for 6 months. We will still keeping noting the weeks and months until she turns 2 years old. These little milestones are very important. You, Marms, are an amazing dog. I know you are slowing down but you still look good and I know you are cared for like royalty.

Loving you as always,


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