Thursday, August 5, 2021

You and I are just the same!

 Dear Marmite

After rather a long time I have found out that my back problems are the same as yours.  We both have crooky backs. I finally got to visit a doctor who said I have degenerative spondylolisthesis so, as from yesterday, I have a physio who is going to get me back to running around again. At least I hope to be jogging round the village at the very least. The village is small so this isn't a very big deal. It is a good goal though.

Rita told me that your back problems were probably caused by doing lots of exercise. I can only imagine that it was those long walks I dragged you on that did you in. For that I am really sorry. I know it has never been in your DNA to run around the place. 

I have also got round to getting decorating stuff to tart up my bedroom. When I have a four-day stretch with nothing else doing, I am going to tackle it. My garden isn't big but it took me a long time to hack it back and beat a path to the back gate the other day. Our rainy summer has made the plants go wild. I have even spied ripe blackberries so on my way back from swimming today I shall be picking them.

Apparently, my front garden was once parking spaces for a paint factory that went up in flames many years ago. The patch at the front has to be attacked with a pick axe any time I want to plant anything. This naturally limits what I put there. 

I made another anticlimactic cake last Monday - chocolate with pears on top - for Danielle, Richard and Ezra-Mae. It might not look top notch but it was certainly enjoyed. Having said this, I did bring it out after a visit to the local. They came to visit me after a walk along the canal and a trip to the Barley Mow. Obviously, Ezra-Mae didn't walk or drink too much and even she enjoyed the cake.

In these strange times I am now paying £10 more for a tank full of petrol than I did when I first got my new car. Thank God I am just a short trip from all the things I usually need. This means I pop around on my bike. Most trips take me down the tow path of the canal so I see big changes in how many boats and people are around. The other day there was a big tail back of narrow boats going through the local lock one at a time!! Most boats are manned by a man who stands around with his hand on the tiller while the women run up and down opening and closing the gates..mmm - this division of labour doesn't seem right to me but it is almost consistently the same in all boats!

Today I swim again. The excitement never ceases!!! Swimming is different though. Half the pool is now open to general sessions so the reverberating noise of splashing and screeching doesn't make for a relaxing swim. Such is life without COVID restrictions plus school holidays.

Must dash... swimming calls.

Hugs all round. Love you.


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