Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 Dear Marmite

I am sure you would love the trip down the tow path of the canal to the nearest town. I certainly do and as it is my almost daily trip, I get to know the local dogs and recognise some of the boats that moor down there. There are some funny names - "Long in the Tooth" has an elephant with tusks on it. There are others that make me chuckle too.

Stilroamin' is one of the regulars and now we are in the holiday season, the tourist boats make the strip of canal really busy. The feel of the place changes so much over the day and the weather plays a big role in how busy it is too. I have been roaming myself - I could almost call it a holiday, I suppose. First, I popped to Stevenage for a couple of nights. That used to be my old hunting ground before Singapore. Nowadays the post boxes in Stevenage have woolly hats!

Anne, my old friend, took me for a walk round Barton Hills. The last time I went there was with Sammi in a front sling. He must have been less than three months old so that says how long ago that was. It was a memorable walk as I did it with mustard poo stains down my front and legs. I remember rinsing Sammi off with a bottle of water but nothing short of a bath could have cleaned me up. Luckily, Seamus, Mike and Anne saw the funny side of this but my memory of the walk was mostly about me and how uncomfortable I was. 

These days, I am sure Sammi has better control of his bottom end and milk doesn't have such a disastrous affect on him either. My association with that walk has now been broken too. Happy Days!! Barton Hills is a lovely place indeed. They even have woolly thistles there.

I then set off on a trip to Cornwall visiting people associated with Dairy Farm. That meant a lovely lunch stop in Chippenham where Adam prepared a gourmet curry. You must remember Adam. You told him you didn't want to walk with with him. 

This was followed by a few days with Mark down in Falmouth where the sun never shines! I lost at pitch and putt and failed to swim the length of a beach. Seaweed tangled round my arms and legs making swimming not only slow but also very uncomfortable. 

This makes it sound like my time there was terrible. It wasn't. I loved it. On my way back I stopped off at Sarah-Jane's in Exeter - another DFE renunion. Freda who is your age Marms, is still around. She is a poor old thing these days. You must remember her too. She has Fred the pup to keep her company. 

Now I am back in my slightly more sunny part of the UK. I dream of all the places I can go to when COVID is over. The list grows daily. I am not making any plans until travel restrictions are lifted though and I realise that could take some time. 

Love you loads, as always. Keep the selfies coming!


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