Wednesday, March 30, 2022

A trip to the past

 Dear Marmite

I know you are in a bit of pain and now you need injections for your hips. I can imagine how stoically you will be taking this. You are in the very best hands and rest assured, you need not have any nightmares of me taking you on long walks. I am sending you loads of hugs long distance and you are in my heart. I love you, Marms.

In a brief interlude we had Spring over here and now we are back to rain and chilly winds. I wake up to grey skies. My daffs are dying back now so I have been dead-heading them. As you can see, life is much better where you are. On the upside, I check on my seedlings every day and they are beginning to pop through.

I have been out and about. I went to Milton Keynes Museum which shows what life was like in the old days. The rooms in the house look like any one of the family homes I used to visit with my parents when I was young. They even had things on display that I feel sure were in everyday homes back then. In a couple of the rooms were docents who were keen to empty all their knowledge on my friend, Yvonne and me. This was more than either of us could possibly want to take away. We were probably victim to the fact that weather had kept all but the hardiest away from this indoor / outdoor exhibit of everyday life.

I particularly liked an advert for women's "stuff" that would cure all unspecified women's ailments, most of which I can only imagine as they are alluded to. I think advertising has moved on a little these days - thank God. There was a mini-street reconstructed with shops selling stuff I also recognised. Maybe, just maybe, it is my age that makes all this so familiar!

A bit further back in time, I went to the British Museum with another old colleague / great friend from work. We did the Stonehenge exhibition. I have no first-hand knowledge of how these people lived. I am NOT that old, for sure. My reaction to the displays - Wow! My big takeaway was that the people back then travelled far and wide. They shared culture and were incredibly sophisticated. I do imagine however, that the travellers were the equilvalent of modern day jet-setters. I reckon the majority of the population didn't go far beyond the banks of their local waterway though.

At the moment I associate myself with the latter group. It was the first time I had been to London since arriving in 2020. I got up really early and caught a cheaper train. I cycled to Nasser's and left my bike there as his place is close to the station. This was all very exciting. After a lovely day in one of the best cities in the world, I got home well after 9pm, picked up my bike and set off for the tow path to home.

Just as I reached the path, my front light gave out so I put the rear light on the front to illuminate the way back. This was not a particularly successful remedy. Apart from the moon lighting bits of the path, most of the journey was under tree cover. I might as well have been blindfolded. As you can imagine, I wobbled a bit. I actually laughed - this is an odd reaction of mine to impending danger. At my age, I should have got this under control but alas, I haven't. Suffice to say, I got home, dry and in one piece so I lived to tell the tale. 

Since then, I have manged to do my first BBQ of the season - Danielle has COVID so they didn't come. Danielle is trying to compete with me for the number of times catching the virus... competitive as always - I'll show her! With the rising numbers that won't be a problem and I shouldn't make light of it. After all,

My hair is not lime green! I am braving the British Springtime

I am in the vulnerable category!

So. Marms, as you can see I keep myself busy. Not too busy to think of you my darling dog. Do take care, you are loved by so many people.

Love you


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