Thursday, March 3, 2022

I write when I can

 Dear Marmite

All last week I really didn't have much to say. Here it was mostly rain and I did the same mundane things that really aren't worth mentioning. This week, however, has been a whirlwind of excitement by comparison. 

It is March! Yay, I have planted seeds and nipped or lopped bits and bods in the garden already. This I have on good authority is what you need to do at this time of year. Most things are showing signs of life. I am a little concerned how early my bulbs have come up but I notice it is the same everywhere. The tree which Sammi hacked at last Christmas doesn't appear to have done much though. It is not a big garden so it is easy to keep an eye on progress.

Last weekend I set off across the village with a wheelbarrow to pick up some free rocks from a house up the road. They were dismantling their pond and I needed some rocks to create some relief in the patch at the front. Both parties are happy with the exchange! My back didn't enjoy the experience though. For my efforts, my front garden looks just a little better and with all the rain, it is looking green. My olive tree survived the winter so all is well out in the front too. Looking forward to a lush-looking patch in the near future with splashes of colour.

Despite the weather, I braved the elements and made it to a few pub quizzes too. I am part of a wonderful group of really smart people who tolerate my getting the odd one right. The other night I got the tie-breaker which meant we took home the winnings. Over here, winning means a few pennies in prize money which keeps me in drink. How good is that?

I have also had my first experience of the WI. A lady in the village asked if I could give a talk about my travels so I put together a slide presentation about Syria

and did my best. After all this time not standing up in front of a large group. it all came back to me. Verdict -  they were lovely ladies and only one fell asleep while I was talking so I'll take that as a success. Apparently, I might be doing the same talk for another local WI sometime in the future.

So Marms, I leave the best to last -  Cambridge. Naturally it rained all day. That is what it does here. Dearest Margy organised for Peter, Karl and myself - all ex BC -  to meet up for a day in Cambridge and a trip to Kings College Chapel for Ash Wednesday Eucharist. Margy's son, Matt is one of the choristers. It was lovely to catch up with people from Singapore - just like old times - and also to feel a connection so far from where we all used to be. 

We managed a quick tour of a couple of the galleries at The Fitzwilliam - armoury and china. On our wanderings, a couple of questions came to mind: firstly how strong the knights of old had to be to wear the metal cladding and also to wield incredibly heavy weapons as well, secondly - would I have known that certain bits of pottery were valuable if they weren't behind glass? I am sure I wouldn't have.

The service at Kings was a religious experience - beyond words. I felt the music in my chest, the incense added to the atmosphere and the sermon was a step well above anything I had heard from a pulpit before. A wonderful day all round - I'll keep that safe in my memory.

You are always a part of my thoughts though. 

Love you as always


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