Monday, November 21, 2022

Things that go bump!

 Dear Marmite

The weather here is truly wintery now and I have now bought all the warm clothes I could possibly need for this winter and many more to come, I hope. You are lucky. Your beautiful coat would be most suitable over here. When I went away to Stevenage for the weekend, I piled three different types of outer coat in the car just in case. I am completely prepared for all types of weather. I have even made myself matching hat and gloves - crocheted - and they match my new, waterproof parka.  I felt pretty proud of my efforts and I was only slightly miffed when Liz said they looked rustic. For rustic, I read a bit crude and rough round the edges!

Amira bumped into the back of another car on one of the many roundabouts in Milton Keynes on Friday. I know it is wrong to find other's ills amusing but to hit a car in the presence of a police car is quite funny.  The car looks rather bruised but she wasn't hurt, thank goodness. 

So with this in mind, Ann reversed off her drive with me in the passenger seat. Nothing unusual about this except it is a bit of a Woolhead thing to thump the inside of the passenger door at an unexpected moment to make the driver think they have hit something. You know me Marms, at times anything and everything seems funny. Ann wasn't amused. She thought she really had bumped her new car. She called me a daft bat. It doesn't seem so funny now but it was - hilarious! 

I thought it was so funny I called Nasser to tell him.  I thought it would amuse him. He didn't find it funny. He knows the silly prank only too well and does it to me as well. I was sure he would enjoy my success in making Ann think she had bumped her car. Suddenly I felt really daft explaining why I had phoned. I can only explain my embarrassment as being drunk on laughter when everyone else is poker-faced. Silly me... small things and all that...

Nasser with card expressing heartfelt wishes!

It was also Nasser's BIG birthday last week. I chose a recipe to make a parfait cake. However, my trip to the supermarket to get the ingredients wasn't totally successful so I came home minus two very important bits. I made the cake anyway but it didn't look special enough for a birthday cake, especially for a BIG birthday. I made another cake in a hurry and topped it with malteesers to make it look a bit fancier than it really was! 

This meant I was left with a sub-standard cake.... I took it to Ann's and we took it off to her friend's place for the card night. It actually looked OK for an ordinary cake until you cut into it and then it splodged. So it was a good call to make a second one.

So here I am back home and still full of cold one week on. I haven't swam for a whole week now. I am still smiling about my fun weekend playing cards and catching up on gossip. I only won two of the games - and for Ann's benefit - no, I don't need a medal! 

Oh, how we laughed.

If only you could have been there!

Love You


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