Monday, January 23, 2023

Gong Xi Fa Cai

 Dear Marmite

Happy New Year of the Rabbit. May it bring great fortune to you. I spent most of New Year's Eve getting whatsapp greetings from all over. I felt quite connected even though I didn't have a celebration. I even played Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi ni ya on Youtube to get in the mood. This song is an earworm as it is played in all the supermarkets around this time. I'll NEVER forget it. Never.

Today I have cleared the living room as I have a workman coming to fill the cracks made before the roof was repaired. I got up early and moved the furniture around. Behind each piece lurked spider webs and fluff - a  year's worth - and I thought I was good at cleaning. Obviously I am dillusional on that front.

I am sitting writing this awaiting his arrival. He is very skilled but equally unreliable. This I find quite frustrating. Added to this he is not good at responding to texts so I feel I am left hanging somewhat. 

The weather over here remains the wrong side of minus. Yesterday I played tennis in -6c. This wasn't too bad once I got moving and there was no wind at all. The sun smeered the sky so I congratulated myself for braving the weather to have a hit. 

I also took Shadow for a long walk back to my place the other day. The puddles are now skating rinks but at least more of the flood plain is accessible. Shadow doesn't like the ice any more than she likes water. She delicately tiptoes around the glassy bits. Some of the narrow boats throw out choking smoke which makes walking along the canal less than enjoyable. I can appreciate how cold the boats must be. The ice sits right up to the hull.

It remains for me to wish you all the best. Don't eat too many pineapple tarts! Enjoy the parties and the fuss you are getting. It will only last for 15 days!

Love You


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