Monday, January 16, 2023

New Year Niggles

 Dear Marmite

Weather bad!! It is either cold and windy - not nice for trying to hit a ball or incredibly wet. Whichever way you look at it, going out over here definitely has its drawbacks. Yesterday I tried to play tennis with the wind howling straight at me at one end of the court and the wind behind me at the other - exhausting to say the least. Also with 35mph winds, tennis becomes a game of chance. 

Last Friday I set off for more tennis. I travel by the back roads to the club - less traffic and more direct, I reckon. I got to the humpback bridge and there was a queue of cars and vans. This I thought was most unusual. The other side of the the bridge was flooded for about 100m and because of the narrow road only one car could go through at a time. I began to get nervous - I knew how to deal with deep water and cars with a manual shift but my car has lots of electrical bits which I figured don't work well in water. There really was no way back. behind me was a single track humpback bridge with a van on and ahead was the water. When it came to my turn I imagined getting stuck at the deepest part and spending the day awaiting rescue. Kevin - my car - ploughed on through. Yay... 

On Saturday I set out for a walk. I got to the Iron Trunk Bridge and then down onto the flood plain - it was flooded. It was flooded in both directions so I climbed back up to the canal and walked home. Short walk. The other day I tried to go down the Buckingham arm of the Grand Union Canal. Much of it is yet to be excavated and the path is not well trodden. Just a little way along I stopped walking and started slipping and sliding. I had trouble standing up at times. I then thought about turning back. I was about half way along so thinking it couldn't possibly get any worse, I squelched on to the bridge and then up through the field to the road. I had mud right up to my thighs. 

This trip reminded me of our 14km Green Corridor CNY jaunt to Keppel Railway station which was equally as messy - if not more so. That one also had the added excitment of escaping from a restricted area via a drain. You, Marms were traumatised. I was mucky from head to foot and it is probably still on action replay on the CCTV cameras. I am sure people would be amazed how unco-operative you were getting into a drain with me.

Once one thing begins to niggle, others follow. Besides the mud, I am becoming more and more irritated by TESCO self checkouts. They don't work properly. I put my bag of the counter and then the system needs a TESCO worker to approve. I scan my items and sometimes they don't scan. This again needs human support. So with half the tills, queues twice as long, I feel agrieved at the time I waste waiting for support to help me pay for the things I want to take home. errr...

Also EE are annoying me. I changed provider before Christmas and I am now getting threatening emails and sms's from EE to pay my bill for a service I terminated. They are threatening to cut me off. I have contacted them but human support doesn't seem to be able to make any difference. errrrr...

I am still going with my 30 days of yoga. I am a little behind as I have been away and have done other exercise. I still roll around like a hippo on my mat and laugh at myself. As it is in the privacy of my bedroom, no one else can laugh at me - thankfully. You used to lie underneath me when I did my stretches back in Singapore  - remember? I think that was because I gave you a guilt trip for you not wanting to exercise. 

I have done a jigsaw too. It is a long time since I did one. I was lent it by a friend at the tennis club and it was a tennis cartoon picture. For most of the time I was convinced that key bits were missing. There was a couple of edges that didn't seem to fit until right near the end I realsied I had put some bits together wrongly... errr... The end result - me with smug satisfaction that it only took me an evening to do. I had a bit of a chuckle at the picture. I think I have met most of the players depicted in it.

So life isn't all bad. I have longer days to look forward to as well as some planned holidays. 

Keep smiling Marms,

Love you


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