Thursday, April 20, 2023

On behalf of Marmite

 My Dear Friends

Thank you for being with me on my journey and reading along with me for the past three and a half years. I have got to know you all well and have enjoyed staying in touch. As this is my last blog, I'd like to say farewell to all my friends who are spread over all the world. That thought alone has been a joy. It is something good that has grown out of FB.

I know many don't like Facebook. I personally have never had any controversial or vitriolic posts on my page. I only read the top three comments ever as I am determined not to be drawn into habitually scrolling down. I know I am not obsessed and I never wan to be. I enjoy knowing it is there and I can see how friends are doing. I connect when I see there are comments about me - a vanity I'm afraid -  and I love to read all the replies that come after a blog. 

I must apologise at this point. I love everyone's comments equally. I seem to waver between likes and loves but for no particular reason. I think I am inclined to be a "lover" rather than a "liker" but just pressing the same thing all the time would look as if I didn't take on board what people have written. I do and I love it!

When I started writing my intention was to finish the blog when I arrived in the UK. It was you, my friends, who urged me to carry on. I have been asked to continue but I don't feel I can write to a dog who is now in doggy heaven. This is even though I feel his spirit is still with us and has touched Rita and me in such a big way. Marmite, you have found me a friend in Rita I will have for life. Thank you.

I was with you at the end. Rita called me at 3:30 in the morning so I could say Goodbye to you. My days since then have been a bit haphazard. I went swimming without my gear and in my slippers! Duh! I forgot things that are routine and I fluffed and blustered my way throug the intervening days. I have told everyone all about you and how special you are. You know that.

My sorry lies in not seeing you again. I seriously believed you would live forever. 

I will always love you


PS. This blog has been read over 22000 times. Wow! THANK YOU and goodbye.


  1. I've loved all your messages. RIP Marmite maybe you will catch up with JJ who knows . 🤗 😘

  2. RIP Marmite. And thank you for these blog posts and updates. Be well, Andrea! xx

  3. I’m sad to read this is your last blog Andrea. I was hoping you’d continue, but also understand why:-(
    RIP Marmite🥲
