Saturday, October 31, 2020

Lockdown looms

 Dear Marmite

We are living in a time of misery - a slough of despond even. As a result of Big Bad Boris flip flopping and doing absolutely nothing right for anyone, rumours abound that a new lockdown is heading our way. Added to this, we have yet another storm or two battering this fair land. Zeta, with Aiden hot on its tail are predicted to wash away any plans for the next few days. 

I read in a Chronicle of the twentieth century that in January 1900, a flu epidemic was putting great pressure on the hospitals and keeping grave diggers busy day and night in the cities of Britain. The epidemic was described as a fashionable malady! I quite l like that turn of phrase. We certainly have a fashionable malady now! 

I am also not happy with Samsung. Since meeting Mr Silly Twat in Milton Keynes, Samsung store; I have found out the this man left his job at the shop later that day after bullshitting me. Clearly I was his parting gift. Samsung in the UK were happy to sort out my problem provided I bought the watch over here. I didn't. My friend in Singapore visited the shop I bought it from and was told that it was out of warranty - two weeks out of warranty -  so they couldn't do anything about it. The only good thing I have to say about Samsung is that they have built in obsolescence to perfection. I refuse to give up the fight on this one. Companies like Samsung need to be more environmentally aware that quality reduces waste. 

I have been looking through old photos, newspaper cuttings, birth certificates and wills. I reckon the archives go back to the 1860s. Many of the old pictures contain people that I can only guess at who they might be. To give you an idea of how many pictures I have been through, I have filled a very large B&Q black box and a suitcase that once belonged to Aunty Rose. This old leather suitcase has her initials on - R.A.P.

I have been discussing my finds with my cousin in Australia. He looked up her husband who she married in 1915. He reckons that Pharez Phillips, an Australian MP, was her father-in-law. What a lovely name!! 

So, as you can see Marms, life is not all tickety boo here. You are in a much better place - I just hope you appreciate all that you have. Send me some more pictures of you. 

Missing you as always



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