Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Child Rearing Practices

 Dear Marmite

As you well know, the main reason for having a dog is so you can kick them occasionally. I have now come to realise that there are similar benefits to having children. I only realised this when Danielle and I went off on a jolly to visit a friend to have a nippy, damp al fresco lunch in the garden - English style! 

Danielle explained  to our friends how she gets Ezra-Mae to sleep. She said she swaddles her tightly and then bungs her down. Later, while burping her, she admitted that the most effective way is to bash her on the back - this she demonstrated with enthusiasm. My friends asked if they were my techniques for child rearing. I honestly can't remember - but my three have survived it. 

The language that Danielle uses sounds a bit savage but this little three-month old treasure thrives on it. She even survived a visit from her cousins. So bunging and bashing are to be recommended along with occasionally kicking the dog! After all Marms - it never did you any harm, did it?

As you have probably heard, we are one more step away from lockdown. The shops are open and so are gyms and swimming pools. I have already started my regular dips and I have to say it is so nice to be back. I am seeing the old familiar faces again in the pool. I feel in some small way I belong to this town.

I am also looking forward to a haircut. I want to be pampered, really pampered. This cut has got to be perfect. My hair must instantly flop into place and sit neatly despite my having three crowns which cause it to grow out at all angles. I even think that wish for a haircut comes higher in my list than a pint of beer in a pub garden. 

The recent weather has been encouraging. Easter was accompanied by snow storms and negative temperatures, then as if a switch had been flicked, the sun came out and the temperatures rose to double figures. It has to be the climate crisis - there is no other explanation. My rhubard has not liked the temperature swings and now we seem to be heading for a drought. The ground is so dry already - great for tennis but bad for gardens.

I am hoping to move in a couple of weeks. Things seem to be going so slowly. I understand there are backlogs for searches and the like. You would think after 15 months of "new" work practices, businesses and organisations would have found better ways of doing things.

One lives and hopes.. love you, you old dog... still miss you loads.



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