Wednesday, April 21, 2021

My Lucky Day

 Dear Marmite

I have been very lucky indeed. Yesterday I went to my first music gig since returning to old Blighty. It was outdoors and I took my picnic blanket so that I could naturally distance myself from the hordes. The music was brilliant The only thing I lacked was a cocktail to sip while the local trio played Bosso nova. I could imagine listening to this in the atrium at the Shangri La, Singapore. Ah, those were the days.

I needn't have worried about being suitably distanced as I was the only one at the gig in the Community Orchard apart from the muscians themselves. There was a lady who was watching from behind her garden fence and a few people paused at the gate to see what was happening. To me it was clear that the band lacked someone on the tom-toms who could have spread the word. Danielle and Richard almost tripled the numbers but turned up just after the finale - at least I had tried to do my bit and let others know. Even the weather was favourable. Was this the fault of COVID or just new habits of not getting out and about? 

I have also had a very lucky email from HMRC. It said I was due a rebate. Having extra dosh can't be bad. I read the email carefully and even looked up the word, "nedded" on google. I thought this must be a financial term. The HMRC couldn't possibly be bad at spelling! Also the logo at the top was UPS. Maybe that will be the organisation that will send me my rebate. Who knows? I am just happy that I have struck lucky once more.

As you know Marms, I go swimming quite regularly now. It is very popular as people have been denied the pleasure for such a long time. One lady told me she was going into the adjacent lane as there were less people swimming in it. I so very nearly corrected her grammar, "fewer". I only just managed to stop the word tumbling out. O.M.G. this woman is British with an Estuary accent. I must remember to take off my English teacher's hat. Note to self - keep your head down and just swim... It is the best way to keep your heart rate steady. There is no need for English Teaching in the pool!

So Marms, you have missed much fun... 

Love You


1 comment:

  1. Love that "rebate" from "HMRC". There's a certain disconnect between giving you a rebate in pounds and pence, and giving the "expiration" (what's wrong with 'expiry'?) date in US format. So amateurish!

    By the way, the dance is Bossa Nova. Bossa is a feminine noun snd its adjective must agree with it in gender: "Bosso" nova would be a non-agreement.

    Hope all goes well with you; maybe will see you at a quiz in the near future.

