Monday, April 5, 2021

Happy Easter

 Dear Marmite,

It has been all joy and sparkles for the past few days. We are celebrating Easter here where the pagan traditions of celebrating fertility take centre stage commercially. The Easter Bunny has been especially busy around my home. Even before Easter he came and dropped a few mini eggs in obscure places for Richard and Danielle to discover. Then Yesterday he went overboard and put them all over the house - AMAZING! There might even be a few more dropped around the place in the days to come, who knows!

What is even more amazing was that a big chocolate Easter Bunny was sitting at my place at breakfast yesterday morning. Despite being wrapped in celophane he looked at me as if he was high on dope. His white chocolate eyes have that crazed look about them. Currently he is resting on my bedroom window sill. I am tempted to nibble his ears off one at a time. He has been warned. 

Sammi, went one better than the Easter Bunny and drew a treasure map for his nephews to find hidden eggs around his home; while in Nasser's home nothing at all happened.  Nasser forgot to set up an egg hunt all together. I took him a basket of eggs which he hid in the new shed and completely forgot about. 

As is very traditional, I planned an April Fool prank - this time on Richard and Danielle. I positioned myself at the bottom of the stairs early in the monring - a place of heavy traffic - and said I couldn't move. Richard just stepped over me and got on with breakfast and tea making. I am sad to say that I considered the response to my plight pretty callous all considering.

What if it hadn't been an April Fool? Of course, they tried to fool me too. The trouble is that Danielle spent most of the previous week talking about past April Fool pranks. So I knew there would be something heading my way. The plastic cockroach was one of the funniest and well worth the $1 for entertainment value. We still talk about it.

The Guardian did its part in joking and wrote about making a parallel canal to the Suez so ships like the Ever Green won't block traffic in the future  - when our government puts half-arsed ideas about evolving UK's transport into something suitable for the twenty-first century, the idea of increasing a busy shipping lane doesn't seem too far off the mark. I read it with derision but only later found out I had been taken in.

Even the weather is playing the fool. Yesterday I sat in Nasser's garden and had lunch in warm sunshine. Today I am huddled up indoors while it is snowing outside. The plan was to play tennis this morning and it wasn't the snow that put pay to that. It was my partner. He had overdone it and needed to rest his weary limbs. I resigned myself to rolling around the bedroom floor doing the exercises given to me by the NHS physio to relieve my sciatica. This, I have to say, is a real pain in the backside. 

I put music on while rolling and today it was Dave Gilmour who accompanied my groans. I got to thinking about inappropriate songs for funerals while doing this. There are the obvious ones like; " Highway to Hell", and "I will survive" but I thought Laughing Lenny's "Repent" might make it into my top ten. I really should focus on the stretching more and not letting my mind wander. Remember Marms when you used to plonk yourself on my yoga mat underneath me when I was doing my stretches... Well I am still doing them and I can get distracted even ehen you are not with me. Perhaps my next stretches could be accompanied by; "Living in the Past"... good old Jethro.

Sending my hugs over the airwaves..

Love you as always


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