Monday, May 31, 2021

a toilet brush moment

 Dear Marmite

Despite having a wonderful birthday filled with laughter and far too much cake, there are things afoot that don't seem right in my life. Now that I have moved - and I consider my new home a birthday present to myself - things aren't going too smoothly.

It started with a toilet brush! I ordered two from Amazon the day after I moved in. Every home needs toilet brushes. I still don't have those ones. I spoke to someone at Amazon who reordered them and they didn't arrive. I am now awaiting a refund. That hasn't arrived either. 

I did an IKEA shop to buy my toilet brushes and as everyone knows a trip to IKEA is always expensive so my brushes plus spares must have cost me at least fifty quid, We all know what shopping at IKEA is like.

That isn't the end of it. I ordered a chair which I was told would arrive yesterday. It did. It arrived at another address I have never lived at, some doors down from my old house. The man in the van phoned me and said he would be with me in 30 minutes. After 90 I phoned him back and he told me he had delivered it and he was on his way home. He said the household where it was delivered were surprised but took the chair anyway. 

Danielle, God bless her, popped round to the house where the chair was delivered and told them the chair was mine. I later went and picked it up. These people had unwrapped it and made it theirs so I needed their help to get it in the back of my car. Bloody Cheek. I am fuming still. So now I will probably have a protracted run in with Homes Direct, the company who happily took my money for a chair ordered over a month ago.

I am rather concerned that the washing machine that is on order from Currys and taking rather a long time will be plumbed into some stranger's house. Who knows? anything seems possible the way things are going.

Over lockdown and mask wearing I have lost so many earrings. I am down almost to single odd ones which I am threatening to wear for a new era, lop-sided look. I set off on my bike on my birthday not wearing a mask and still managed to lose an earring. I found it on the road on my way home - YAY. Then today when I was trimming the cut flowers, I think the ear loop bit got swept up with the dead leaves and I can't find that bit now. I think it is in the compost bin but I can't see it. YUCK. So my job today is to rebuild a pair from the remaining bits.

On the plus side I have had lots of help getting my place straight. I have some of my pictures on the wall and it is looking a bit more homely. I have also started cycling to have my swim. It is a lovely trip down the tow path and back again. Yesterday it was like a holiday camp. All the long boats were alive and buzzing well before 8am. People were sitting on the bank drinking their morning drinks and ignoring their dogs who were hell bent on a death wish to get under my wheels. 

I have things to look forward to as well - a friend visiting, a trip to Cambridge, a meet up with an old uni friend - more swimming, cycling and tennis... It would have been lovely if you could share all this with me, Marms. I know you would have loved it. 

Thank you for your birthday wishes. You, Marms and peeps from all over the world (excludung Antarctica) sent lovely greetings. This just shows how small our world really is. That alone made my day special.

Love you as always, Hugs


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