Friday, October 29, 2021

Playing silly buggers...

 Dear Marmite

As my life slips by there are a few days that stick out as being really funny or really special. The special moments over the past few days have been made so because of the joy of having others around. After Margy and Susan left, Vandana came for a couple of days and then Binny and Ana visited. This weekend yet another friend will be here so no doubt we will pass our time laughing about the past. Ezra-Mae, on the other hand, mostly laughs at me.

When I chose my current home I wondered whether it really would be a forever place. It is slowly taking shape as I put my mark on it and today the livingroom and kitchen floor will be replaced. This is the biggest thing I have done so far. In times of COVID with supply chain issues and problems getting a workmen because the good ones are so so busy, I see this as a coup. 

I actually went on a reconnaisance to see what was available and to set a budget for a future buy. I expected to have a wait for delivery somewhere in the region of 12 weeks as that seems to be standard. It was four days and the delivery person was a woman who carried two packs at a time to my garden. I then took one pack at a time and stored them in my bathroom ready for the fitting. What an amazing woman she was - very professional and friendly - as good as any man. 

I have moved all moveable things downstairs now in readiness for the work to be done and I expect the workmen to arrive any time at all. I am currently sitting in a big echoey cavern watching the wind blow leaves off my tree as the day slowly dawns. When the workmen are here, I'll spend my time sorting out yet another flat tyre. I am getting good at that!

The most ridicuous, funny and memorable moment of this week was the Wednesday social at my tennis club. I turned up along with other players and none of us had a key to get into the clubhouse to turn the lights on. So at 6pm it was close to being dark and almost impossible to see the ball. Undaunted, I warmed up with Gareth who I actually couldn't see when he moved back to the base line. We weren't the only daft ones!

The ball was only visible as it bounced. It was very difficult to keep a rally going when you can't see more than a couple of yards.  One of the players brought their car round and put the headlights on. Much better lightwise for me but for the players facing the car, they were literally blinded by the light! That idea was abandoned and we played on. Eventually someone turned up who had the vital key and play went on as if we hadn't played for 30 minutes in almost total darkness shouting at each other. 

Tennis here in the UK is so different to my experience in Singapore. We play in high winds, spitting rain, bright sun, dark cloud and now pitch darkness - but rarely ideal conditions. I wear warm clothes and slowly take them off as I warm up. The players at the club are lovely and that makes all the downsides of playing here worthwhile.

In the swimming pool over half term, I saw a man playing Marco Polo with his sons and pretending he couldn't here them so moved off in the wrong direction. I reckon I will suggest that type of game when playing tennis in the dark. At least it will give a warning when the ball is about to arrive. I think it could catch on.

So, as you see Marms, life is busy - I even have found time for doing pub quizzes. We won last night. Yay!! 

I still find time to miss you though.



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