Thursday, October 14, 2021

Yet more unbelievable incompetence...

 Dear Marms,

First of all, before I vent over bloody M&S once more, I am sure you helped Rita celebrate her birthday in style. I expect you had a bit of birthday cake and a lot of hugs on that day too. 

Each day over here is pretty unremarkable apart from the continuing saga with Marks and Sparks. The day I waited for the cushion cover to arrive ended like a damp squib. I waited at home all day, no swimming. no cycling - nothing! The cushion arrived at Danielle's house at about 5pm. It was dumped there and there was no accompanying person to fit it personally, as promised. Another wasted day.

I picked it up the following day and guess what, Marms, it was the wrong style. The replacement cushion for the one that has a flaw on it had piping. Errrrrgh, I thought. Only bloody Marks and Sparks to prolong the agony of sorting out my sofa issues. Then I thought; I'll have to phone up the customer service people and speak to one of their many incomptetent twats who will do sweet FA and say in the most insincere of tones that they DO APOLOGISE.. I have now got into the habit of saying that if they were truly sorry, they would have sorted out my problems well before now.

One of the customer service staff didn't have the faintest understanding what piping was. I asked to speak to someone who might have a bit more product knowledge. He said I could have told him the cushion had beading! What? WOOD? NO!!. DICKHEAD!!

I sent photos of the offending replacement cushion cover that had the cloth equivalent of beading on it and now have been promised a new one urgently. Perhaps M&S might find it easier to match a new sofa with the replacement cover - now there's a thought.

I spent an hour and fifteen minutes on the phone on hold waiting to speak to a manager. I drove to the tennis club with LES MIS overture playing while I was on hold. Is there an irony here? So there I was at the tennis club among players waiting to get on court and parents waiting to pick up their kids. 

I told them the sorry tale. They laughed and, more notably, were shocked that this bastion of British commerce could be so crappy. I reckon the more people who hear about how bad M&S are the less custom they'll get. I learnt once that good customer service is taken for granted but bad customer service reports spread like disease. One complaint told to one person spreads to at least 12 others. I think this could be my mission. 

On a happy note, Dylan and Reef came for the day. We went walking along a bridleway and then the canal. Living in such a quiet place means there are beautiful places right on my doorstep. We also played Abalone - a strategy game that Dylan is getting too good at. 

So, Marmite, I must sign off and send you my love. I have some practicing to do! I can't be beaten by a 9 year old - surely.

Love You


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