Tuesday, May 31, 2022

My son ze murderer!

 Dear Marmite

I have just returned home and I am almost in one piece. My left heal has a blister the size of a saucer and I have lost my voice. My trip to Scotland with Sammi, Dylan and Lucky did not go without incident. In fact, I reckon I could dine out on the tales I could tell. Warning Marms... this is a long one!

Firstly, it was not me who even thought of Sammi as a murderer. On day 5 we reached Crianlarich Youth Hostel. This was our first night not under canvas and the place was full of rugged types with all the gear! Among them was a pleasant and not so rugged German guy- Dennis - his friends had left him there and continued on their way as he had hit a wall. I told him my tale. Sammi had promised me this holiday walking up the West Highland Way as a Christmas present and as it was also my birthday we chose this week. 

On cue, Sammi turned up. Dennis said to him, "Ach so you are ze murderer!". Unfortunately the police were at that time onto the case of someone who had gone missing  somewhere near the hostel so poor old Sam was thrown a little. Personally, considering my current condition, I reckon the description of my darling son isn't that far off. 

Love you, Sammi - really I do.

So where do I start? I met Sammi and Co at Glasgow Central and we set off for Milngavie - pronounced Mull Guy on a train. That was  an easy and very pleasant trip. There Sam bought doughnuts from Greggs and so we set off walking - everyone was chirpy. The sun was shining and all was good. 

Along the way, Dylan started to lag and moan. He is 10 years old and carrying a big rucksack. I thought it was going to be too much for him. We plodded slowly along a path in the middle of nowhere. THEN... at one of the rest points he threw up. Nothing can describe the quantity of stuff that erupted forth. Let's just say it was impressive and widespread. Not long after, Sammi threw up with equal vigour.

From then on there seemed to be a competition as to who could barff the most. We trundled on slowly putting one foot in front of the other between sick stops. I knew we weren't going to make it to our first stop by nightfall. We reserved a campsite that wouldn't take dogs and then couldn't get a taxi to come out to where we were. Our options were limited. So our first night of wild campimg happened in a patch of ground under a rookery. Not ideal but it really was a necessity.

Sammi had brought two tents but we only put one of them up the first night. Four of us shared a VERY small tent and two occuptants continued to be sick while Lucky snored. Outside the rooks shouted loudly at each other. One of them kept saying, "Mum" while another called out for "Gareth" all night. Sleep quality  on night one was non-existent. 

Next morning and not totally refreshed we set off for Drymen. We had breakfast in a lovely little cafe while Dylan slept across two dining chairs. Energy levels were low. We didn't eat the night before and both lads were still not quite 100%. Outside there was a driving wind and it was raining. We took up plan B - A bus to Balmaha and then a ferry to catch up on lost walking time. 

Plan B was only half good. The ferry timetable and the arrival of said ferries didn't match so we started the Loch Lomond stretch of the journey rather late in the afternoon. We found a real campsite - pitched two tents - one without a working zip! and survived a night in a squall. By this time everyone was feeling much improved and more bouncy. 

Onward and upward -  now one tent lighter, we carried on along the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond (I won't burst into song, promise), did bits of wild camping usually in really bad weather and met a really lovely lady, Mel -from Germany - who joined our merry little throng. Sammi carried my backpack and Dylan turned into Mr Dynamo. At one camp, I went for a refreshing swim in the Loch.

When we were resting at the top of a very steep bit, loads of people trudged along behind and overtook us. Everyone has a bit to say to complete strangers on the walk- they'll say where they are off too or how far they have come. There is a lot of camaraderie along the trail.  One man was struggling a bit so I gave him encouragement from my comfy rock seat. I told him he was looking good... he called me a liar! - bloody cheek. I personally thought he was doing well as by that time my sciatica was beginning to kick in. By the time we got to the pub, he was there and in much happier spirits. Again, people in pubs all talk to each other - wonderful. Meanwhile Lucky had turned into the trail tart. Everyone gave him a cuddle or a tickle. That could have been you, Marms!

We sheltered in a lovely little bothy with a couple from the Netherlands and Mel while the rain battered the land one afternoon. Sammi made coffee and we played Polish Poker and spoons! All was well with the world. The sun came out. Mel left and Dylan set off just after. I didn't want him out of my sight so I followed him. It wasn't long before I realised he wasn't ahead of me. Sam's phone was turned off. Dylan was missing and I was worried. Sammi and Lucky caught up with me. Sammi was convinced Dylan was ahead. 

We met a French man who said he hadn't seen a little boy. Sammi dumped his bag and ran back to the bothy post haste. Just as he got there, Dylan was on the phone to Sam's girlfriend. From St Andrews, she had pinpointed the the actual spot where the bothy was and the Dutch couple were still there to keep him comfortable. He hadn't set off on the trail. He had gone outside to play. He got back to the bothy to find us gone. Poor thing!

I think he showed real presence of mind to stay calm and contact someone who could help. He realised Sam's phone was off and he didn't panic. Pretty good for a young boy!

We were much slower than planned. By this time, I had got a blister as well. So to make up time and rest my weary leg we actually managed to get a ferry to Tarbet on the far shore. Then the bus refused to take dogs so Sammi stayed while Dylan and I headed off for Crianlarich on a bus with a grumpy driver. Just as the bus pulled out, I realised I had Sammi's wallet... argh. I thought I wouldn't see him again - ever. Not to worry - he got a train, didn't pay but had a fellow passenger lined up ready to pay for him anyway.  

We set off for Tyndrum after a night in the hostel - me in flip flops - to protect the blister on my heel. The last campsite was lovely and to keep the joy of camping going, Mel joined us for our last night together in our tent playing cards! She set off for Fort William the next day and will be meeting Sammi and large gang of extras there about now as I write this.

With train strikes, I was worried that I wouldn't be getting back to Glasgow for my connection. Two trains from Drymen had already been cancelled that day. What relief I felt getting on the train and then the two hour plus trip went by in a twinkling because the three of us played cards.

So I spent my birthday quietly worrying about whether Scotsrail would get it together for me. Meanwhile, so many people from all over the place sent birthday wishes. I think that is the nicest thing about FB. Probably because of my algorithms, I don't any nasty stuff come onto my page. I never read further than the top three entries either. What is more, it helps me to stay in touch with you, Marms.

I spent a holiday with three of the loveliest souls around. Thanks guys... ready for my next adventure.. nearly.

Love and hugs


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Very nearly another year older - but not quite!

 Dear Marmite

I know that you caught up with me and overtook me in years quite some time ago but something I am sure of is that we share the same aches and pains. This year I am turning into a Beatles song and really does make me an old dear! Let's hope someone still needs me - according to the lyrics, that is.

But before I give up the ghost, roll over and play dead, I am off on a pre-planned jaunt up the West Highland Way tomorrow. I am usually the planner / organiser but this time it is Sammi who is in charge of everything. I am really excited. He even has my old compass that I had when I was 16 and to think it is still useful all those years later. Of course Lucky will be in tow, as will Dylan so I should be alright for piggybacks when the legs grow weary.

I played a mini- tennis tournament in glorious sunshine this morning - fingers crossed this warm weather follows me up to Scotland. Now I am pottering around and sorting out my bag for the trip remembering that we can have four seasons in one day and not wanting to be overloaded either - tricky one.

I had a marvellous, quite sedate, trip along the Grand Union Canal in an Electric narrow boat called Electra. That was last Thursday.  It was a outing planned by the Community Orchard where I help out. Just like today, the weather was perfect, light breeze - blue skies - and lots of warm sun. We set off from Campbell Warf and headed north. In the cabin there was children's Eye Spy sheet for entertainment which I couldn't resist doing while having an Electra craft beer made by the Concrete Cow Brewery. 

The people at the Orchard are lovely so that only added to the joy of the trip. The boat's skipper cum waiter cum cabin steward cum entertainer knew some of our number as well. My afternoon out reminds me of a song from Grease.... I am turning musical in my dotage!! 

So Don't Stop Me Now - I'm having a good time - I'm having a ball.



Monday, May 16, 2022

A year tomorrow

 Dear Marmite

I moved into my house one year ago and once again I can't grasp how time has flown. My nextdoor neighbours have commented about how much nicer the garden is looking. That has jollied me somewhat. Inside I have sorted out the electrics, bought a few essentials like a SOFA, and decorated most of the house - this morning I got up at 6 to paint the utility area. It will be finished on Wednesday - this is my plan -  just in time for my holiday. There are always a few more things to do and my list keeps growing. Hopefully today my roofing man will turn up and tell me how expensive a quick repair to the roof will be - eek! 

So as I sit and write this to you, I am closely resembling an old speckled hen and not the bottled variety. At least now my hair is almost the same colour as the paint few will notice the adornment of white flecks of emulsion. 

Danielle and Richard have gone on holiday so I have been getting pictures of their trip. It is lovely and sunny and they look to be having a wonderful time but I am a little concerned about Danielle's parenting skills. There is one picture where she is force-feeding Ezra-Mae an icecream that is almost the same size as she is. I am sure Ezra- Mae will have nightmares in the future when she thinks back to having her face plunged into a Mr Whippy. As for Shadow, that poor dog has been made to wear a hat on the beach. She too will be traumatised by the experience for sure.

On the home front, I have taken up crocheting. I am making a jumper with wool that is actually acryllic.. it seems that most "wool" is. I find the experience quite relaxing and I realise how important it is to stick the hook into the right hole each time. Unfortunately I am developing "crocheters' elbow" - a twinge that might hamper tennis so I am proxeding cautiously for now. 

Yesterday I played a tennis match - mostly in the rain. At one point it got so heavy we retired to the club house / shed! To pass the time I taught everyone how to play spoons while we had a glass of wine and tucked into team teas. So Marmite - an all round success for the day. We won at tennis and I won at spoons - now there's a surprise! My quiz friends also won the quiz at the pub in the evening.

So, Marms, it is off to the shower for me. I have kept to my plan of having cold showers between March 21st and September 21st. Sometimes I have to be brave but mostly I am enjoying the experience and feeling refreshed for it. 

So my lovely old man.. wishing you all the best. Hugs all round



Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Another Milestone - Happy Birthday Bike!

 Dear Marmite

My garden

On this day in 2018 I walked into Treknology in Bukit Merah to select my current bike. Walking wasn't actually what I did. I was on crutches. I lurched into the store knowing I wanted a hybrid bike suitable for going to and from work. Since that memorable day - for both me and those who were serving me, my love affair with my bike has grown. We have been places together, we still set off for the ocassional jaunt and hopefully we will be together for years to come. The men in the shop had never sold a bike to anyone on crutuches before. Even when I popped into the sister store in Cuscaden Road they remembered me!

Those were the days, Marms. We would go for our morning walk up the canal, along Petir Road and back round Dairy Farm Crescent all before dawn, I'd get ready for work, fill up my bike basket and set off in the dark. Your life is so much nicer now!

So four years on and a lot more pedalling but very little dog walking - oh how time flies. Now I am retired time drifts from day to day and my hours get filled. Sometimes it is difficult to remember exactly where time has gone. I could probably mark it by the times my bike gets a puncture but even those hiccups morph into a blurred history. the odd thing is that I still get up really early even though I don't need to.

I went to Les Mis in MK with Danielle the other week. A lovely bit of mother -daughter bonding. Wow it was good. Les Mis is my favourite musical and I could go tomorrow and still get a warm fuzzy feeling seeing it again. I asked Danielle who wrote the musical - as much to trigger my thoughts as anything. I knew it wasn't Lloyd Webber but the actual name escaped me. Danielle had noticed Victor Hugo written on the backdrop and suggested it was him... ah the ignorance of youth! What an amazing talent Hugo must have had! Not only did he write a brilliant novel, he also translated it to English and wrote the lyricals and a musical score. Or perhaps Schonberg helped a little? Nevertheless, it remains current and fantastic entertainment. The packed theatre thought so too.

In my garden, there is quite a show of colour and it looks more ordered this year. The tree I asked Sammi to hack last Christmas is belatedly showing signs of life although not as much as I could have hoped for. Also I seem to have a problem with sticky willies. These are weeds and I can't seem to get rid of them. If you were here Marms, they would stick to you as well as other plants. They are so annoying.

In the village there is a coffee morning that happens once a month. It is quite an ocassion. Not only do I learn the current gossip, I also learn about the past.  There is an amazing history expert - Wendy - who knows so much about the whole area. I have to say this is a vibrant little place and even though the caravan holiday traffic passing through to the camp site makes the roads busier in the summer, it is still a dreamy little backwater. I have been here narly a year now and I think I chose well.

My new jumper

I have set myself a new challenge. I am learning to crochet. My project grows and then I undo it because I am not happy and then it grows again. I am making a jumper so I am aiming for this coming Christmas to have it completed. Mother mother used to knit. She was amazing, she'd make her own patterns and I still have a couple of items she made for me all those years ago. I don't see myself getting into that league but I do find it relaxing. 

Crocheting doesn't make my muscles ache like my other activities. Yesterday I overdid it. I cycled to the Orchard, dug and planted seedlings, played tennis and then swam 2km. By the time evening approached and I needed to water my garden and my vegetable plot I truly struggled. Oh the ravages of getting old. 

An amazing picture sent to me from your Mum, Rita

From one old dear to a darling dog, I love you as always


Monday, May 2, 2022

Eid Mubarak

 Dear Marmite

Eid Mubarak to my Muslim friends and Happy May Day  to all the world - May workers of the world unite! For me it is just another day. My days morph so days off - or as Singaporeans say, "off days" - don't hold the thrill they once did. 

I have a mini tennis tournament today for May Day and the weather is not up to par for this time of year and the forecast is for showers. Unbelieveable - I put my warm clothes to the back of my wardrobe in early April and then pulled them out again. Ne'er cast a clout rings pretty true.

Last Friday I met a dear Dairy Farm friend - Melanie - in Birmingham. I hadn't seen her since I left Singapore so I was really excited about our reunion. We decided Birmingham was a middle gound sort of place so I booked a train ticket, cycled my bike to the station and set off for a city I can vaguely remember visiting when I was a child. 

All I could remember was The Bull Ring and today it looks sprightly and fresh. Inside the shopping centre you could be in almost any westernised country in the world - a sad indictment to our global economy. We walked along the Grand Union Canal - the far end of the canal I live next to. Around the city the canal looks pretty forlorn, scummy and the surrounding buildings are covered with graffiti. 

We aimed for the jewellery quarter but time stopped us from fully exploring the area. I have since found out that there is a Jubilee pathway being built to gentrify the area. This probably accounts for the construction site we came across when we followed the signs.

Suffice to say, it really didn't matter. I had a wonderful time. Even the sun came out in the afternoon and transformed the icy wind that blighted the morning. At this point I realise how English I really am, Marms. All I talk about is the British weather. My garden needs constant watering  - not enough rain; seeds have withered - not enough sun.

I am still swimming. I have now done more than 700 lengths in two weeks. It feels good. I just imagine you are with me all the way.

Love you,