Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Another Milestone - Happy Birthday Bike!

 Dear Marmite

My garden

On this day in 2018 I walked into Treknology in Bukit Merah to select my current bike. Walking wasn't actually what I did. I was on crutches. I lurched into the store knowing I wanted a hybrid bike suitable for going to and from work. Since that memorable day - for both me and those who were serving me, my love affair with my bike has grown. We have been places together, we still set off for the ocassional jaunt and hopefully we will be together for years to come. The men in the shop had never sold a bike to anyone on crutuches before. Even when I popped into the sister store in Cuscaden Road they remembered me!

Those were the days, Marms. We would go for our morning walk up the canal, along Petir Road and back round Dairy Farm Crescent all before dawn, I'd get ready for work, fill up my bike basket and set off in the dark. Your life is so much nicer now!

So four years on and a lot more pedalling but very little dog walking - oh how time flies. Now I am retired time drifts from day to day and my hours get filled. Sometimes it is difficult to remember exactly where time has gone. I could probably mark it by the times my bike gets a puncture but even those hiccups morph into a blurred history. the odd thing is that I still get up really early even though I don't need to.

I went to Les Mis in MK with Danielle the other week. A lovely bit of mother -daughter bonding. Wow it was good. Les Mis is my favourite musical and I could go tomorrow and still get a warm fuzzy feeling seeing it again. I asked Danielle who wrote the musical - as much to trigger my thoughts as anything. I knew it wasn't Lloyd Webber but the actual name escaped me. Danielle had noticed Victor Hugo written on the backdrop and suggested it was him... ah the ignorance of youth! What an amazing talent Hugo must have had! Not only did he write a brilliant novel, he also translated it to English and wrote the lyricals and a musical score. Or perhaps Schonberg helped a little? Nevertheless, it remains current and fantastic entertainment. The packed theatre thought so too.

In my garden, there is quite a show of colour and it looks more ordered this year. The tree I asked Sammi to hack last Christmas is belatedly showing signs of life although not as much as I could have hoped for. Also I seem to have a problem with sticky willies. These are weeds and I can't seem to get rid of them. If you were here Marms, they would stick to you as well as other plants. They are so annoying.

In the village there is a coffee morning that happens once a month. It is quite an ocassion. Not only do I learn the current gossip, I also learn about the past.  There is an amazing history expert - Wendy - who knows so much about the whole area. I have to say this is a vibrant little place and even though the caravan holiday traffic passing through to the camp site makes the roads busier in the summer, it is still a dreamy little backwater. I have been here narly a year now and I think I chose well.

My new jumper

I have set myself a new challenge. I am learning to crochet. My project grows and then I undo it because I am not happy and then it grows again. I am making a jumper so I am aiming for this coming Christmas to have it completed. Mother mother used to knit. She was amazing, she'd make her own patterns and I still have a couple of items she made for me all those years ago. I don't see myself getting into that league but I do find it relaxing. 

Crocheting doesn't make my muscles ache like my other activities. Yesterday I overdid it. I cycled to the Orchard, dug and planted seedlings, played tennis and then swam 2km. By the time evening approached and I needed to water my garden and my vegetable plot I truly struggled. Oh the ravages of getting old. 

An amazing picture sent to me from your Mum, Rita

From one old dear to a darling dog, I love you as always


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