Monday, May 16, 2022

A year tomorrow

 Dear Marmite

I moved into my house one year ago and once again I can't grasp how time has flown. My nextdoor neighbours have commented about how much nicer the garden is looking. That has jollied me somewhat. Inside I have sorted out the electrics, bought a few essentials like a SOFA, and decorated most of the house - this morning I got up at 6 to paint the utility area. It will be finished on Wednesday - this is my plan -  just in time for my holiday. There are always a few more things to do and my list keeps growing. Hopefully today my roofing man will turn up and tell me how expensive a quick repair to the roof will be - eek! 

So as I sit and write this to you, I am closely resembling an old speckled hen and not the bottled variety. At least now my hair is almost the same colour as the paint few will notice the adornment of white flecks of emulsion. 

Danielle and Richard have gone on holiday so I have been getting pictures of their trip. It is lovely and sunny and they look to be having a wonderful time but I am a little concerned about Danielle's parenting skills. There is one picture where she is force-feeding Ezra-Mae an icecream that is almost the same size as she is. I am sure Ezra- Mae will have nightmares in the future when she thinks back to having her face plunged into a Mr Whippy. As for Shadow, that poor dog has been made to wear a hat on the beach. She too will be traumatised by the experience for sure.

On the home front, I have taken up crocheting. I am making a jumper with wool that is actually acryllic.. it seems that most "wool" is. I find the experience quite relaxing and I realise how important it is to stick the hook into the right hole each time. Unfortunately I am developing "crocheters' elbow" - a twinge that might hamper tennis so I am proxeding cautiously for now. 

Yesterday I played a tennis match - mostly in the rain. At one point it got so heavy we retired to the club house / shed! To pass the time I taught everyone how to play spoons while we had a glass of wine and tucked into team teas. So Marmite - an all round success for the day. We won at tennis and I won at spoons - now there's a surprise! My quiz friends also won the quiz at the pub in the evening.

So, Marms, it is off to the shower for me. I have kept to my plan of having cold showers between March 21st and September 21st. Sometimes I have to be brave but mostly I am enjoying the experience and feeling refreshed for it. 

So my lovely old man.. wishing you all the best. Hugs all round



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