Monday, May 2, 2022

Eid Mubarak

 Dear Marmite

Eid Mubarak to my Muslim friends and Happy May Day  to all the world - May workers of the world unite! For me it is just another day. My days morph so days off - or as Singaporeans say, "off days" - don't hold the thrill they once did. 

I have a mini tennis tournament today for May Day and the weather is not up to par for this time of year and the forecast is for showers. Unbelieveable - I put my warm clothes to the back of my wardrobe in early April and then pulled them out again. Ne'er cast a clout rings pretty true.

Last Friday I met a dear Dairy Farm friend - Melanie - in Birmingham. I hadn't seen her since I left Singapore so I was really excited about our reunion. We decided Birmingham was a middle gound sort of place so I booked a train ticket, cycled my bike to the station and set off for a city I can vaguely remember visiting when I was a child. 

All I could remember was The Bull Ring and today it looks sprightly and fresh. Inside the shopping centre you could be in almost any westernised country in the world - a sad indictment to our global economy. We walked along the Grand Union Canal - the far end of the canal I live next to. Around the city the canal looks pretty forlorn, scummy and the surrounding buildings are covered with graffiti. 

We aimed for the jewellery quarter but time stopped us from fully exploring the area. I have since found out that there is a Jubilee pathway being built to gentrify the area. This probably accounts for the construction site we came across when we followed the signs.

Suffice to say, it really didn't matter. I had a wonderful time. Even the sun came out in the afternoon and transformed the icy wind that blighted the morning. At this point I realise how English I really am, Marms. All I talk about is the British weather. My garden needs constant watering  - not enough rain; seeds have withered - not enough sun.

I am still swimming. I have now done more than 700 lengths in two weeks. It feels good. I just imagine you are with me all the way.

Love you,


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