Sunday, May 22, 2022

Very nearly another year older - but not quite!

 Dear Marmite

I know that you caught up with me and overtook me in years quite some time ago but something I am sure of is that we share the same aches and pains. This year I am turning into a Beatles song and really does make me an old dear! Let's hope someone still needs me - according to the lyrics, that is.

But before I give up the ghost, roll over and play dead, I am off on a pre-planned jaunt up the West Highland Way tomorrow. I am usually the planner / organiser but this time it is Sammi who is in charge of everything. I am really excited. He even has my old compass that I had when I was 16 and to think it is still useful all those years later. Of course Lucky will be in tow, as will Dylan so I should be alright for piggybacks when the legs grow weary.

I played a mini- tennis tournament in glorious sunshine this morning - fingers crossed this warm weather follows me up to Scotland. Now I am pottering around and sorting out my bag for the trip remembering that we can have four seasons in one day and not wanting to be overloaded either - tricky one.

I had a marvellous, quite sedate, trip along the Grand Union Canal in an Electric narrow boat called Electra. That was last Thursday.  It was a outing planned by the Community Orchard where I help out. Just like today, the weather was perfect, light breeze - blue skies - and lots of warm sun. We set off from Campbell Warf and headed north. In the cabin there was children's Eye Spy sheet for entertainment which I couldn't resist doing while having an Electra craft beer made by the Concrete Cow Brewery. 

The people at the Orchard are lovely so that only added to the joy of the trip. The boat's skipper cum waiter cum cabin steward cum entertainer knew some of our number as well. My afternoon out reminds me of a song from Grease.... I am turning musical in my dotage!! 

So Don't Stop Me Now - I'm having a good time - I'm having a ball.



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