Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Passing Days

Dear Marmite

I hear it on very good authority that you approve of the stringent Circuit Breaking measures of the Singapore Government. They definitely suit your preferred lifestlye of short walks and long periods chillin' indoors. Your government is very clear about what is acceptable and that is good. You are a wise dog indeed to fall in with their wishes.

Over here the Easter weekend has been and gone and it has really been just like any other day. It is hard to remember a time a time when I had so little that I had to get done over such a long time, and to be honest, it has made me very lazy. I put off now what I am able to do later in the day. If it doesn't happen then, there is always tomorrow. Bukra insha'allah is clearly my modus operandi.

I spend more time than I should watching silly videos sent to me from friends - admittedly they make me laugh but they are a bit distracting. I also spend too much time looking at the garden and imagining it in full bloom with mature shrubs bathed in a warm and gentle sun. Oh, how I wish!

As we do nearly every day, we went for a bike ride yesterday. This one was different though. Instead of ambling down country lanes and round villages, we headed for the Roman Villa and sat on a bench and had a picnic.

The Roman Villa is two miles from home so we needed to go on a fairly circuitous route back home to get the miles up. I used to cycle 23k round trip to work and home five times a week in Singapore and I find it difficult to keep that sort of mileage up around Milton Keynes. I have now had three punctures - partly because I think Halfords inner tubes are cheap in the very worst sense.
Shoes now consigned to the bin.. not doing well with things falling apart 

Despite the mini kitchen, the meals are still reasonably varied and my twice weekly trip to Tescos is a little highlight of my days. On my last visit, one shopper took it upon herself to shout out people flouting the shopping guidelines. She did so in a shrill estuary accent. OMG! I felt myself wishing that a trolley accident would befall her. In her wake were shell-shocked, elderly dears drooling their apologies - probably mentally scarred and dreading future trips for shopping.

Life goes on. I am lucky I have company and my health. I will survive. Others are not so lucky. A very close friend of mine is in hospital in Stevenage. He has the dreaded lurgy. My thoughts are with him at this time. For all of us it is a timely reminder of how precarious life is.
From Al jazeera. Note UK has zero cured. 50 dead in MK hospital.. UK not doing well

Marms, keep strong. Do the right thing... exercise is as important as rest.

Missing you as always.



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