Sunday, April 5, 2020

Desperate Measures

Dear Marmite

I see that you are enjoying the new regime. Being pampered and not having to do too much exercise is your idea of heaven. I know. Every time I see a dog over here I think of you. This week I saw Shadow. She is well and at 9 years old she still looks like a puppy. She still responds to the call of Marmite so she must remember you and your time together back in Singapore.

I have been keeping active and now the warmer weather is upon us, we have sat in the garden and had our coffee and lunch out there. Our table is an upturned wine box - now empty! Yesterday we moved the garden round! The vegetable boxes at the back by the fence don't get much sun so we lifted three patio slabs and dug up the grass so now the vegetable9 boxes are in a sunnier place and the patio is longer and thinner. We have joked that for extra exercise today we should move everything back again...
New place for veggies

I looked online for pyracantha to make a hedge; and now the shady part of the garden is bare, I want three different hostas for low plants and two tall plants to put in front of the fence which is almost completely in shade. There are plants on line but not the ones I want. So for the time being my garden is coronavirus blighted.

The same goes for my bathrooms. One has been ripped out but there is nowhere to get plasterboard to replace the rotten stuff behind the shower. One of the new toilets is still boxed up and in the living room. It serves as a low table for the time being. In the bathroom on the middle floor, the sink is wobbly and the shower mixer tap is decidedly dodgy. I can either be scolded or frozen. Of course, I prefer the latter condition and now the house is warmer that is quite tolerable. I can live with cold showers.

I went to Tescos in Wolverton last Friday before 10am as that is a priority time for old people and the vulnerable. When I asked about basics like flour and eggs on a previous visit the checkout girl told me to come on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays before 10am as this would ensure that I got these things. That was a mistake. Not only did they not have flour, eggs,  or cans of tomatoes, there was also a space where the litre bottles of gin once sat and the aisle with toilet rolls was pretty sparse as well.

No gin

Added to this, the place was full of  indecisive, doddery old folk. I have decided I am not in that category just yet. In future I'll take my chances with the rest of the population. The queues are no longer and there doesn't appear to be a net benefit of finding what I want on the shelves. With warmer weather, standing outside and being ushered in one at a time is not an issue. After all, I am retired - I have all day. As much as I hate it, standing in a queue is not the worst thing that could happen to me.

Last week, I dropped a note through ten of my nearest neighbours' letter boxes to set up a whatsapp group in case anyone needs help. I got two responses and now know two more neighbours, neither of whom seem to need any help. At least I tried to be a good neighbour.

Next Tuesday I am distributing food parcels in the community. The next highlight of my life! Small outings bring such joy. Such are the deperate times we live in.

Love you loads.. socially- distanced hugs coming your way.



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