Thursday, April 9, 2020

Time on my hands

Dear Marmite

We are on Day 18 of the lockdown. It really is the new normal. I go to the supermarket twice a week and queue in the sunshine - a fortunate development for Britain. Long may it last. Everyone stands 2 metres away from each other and the line typically stretches to the back of the car park. Fortunately, it seems to keep moving and there are staff to regulate who goes into the store. I even have my new shopping outfit especially for Tescos.
Ten fine toes to wiggle in the sun

Once inside, there are arrows on the floor to direct people round the store. These are ignored. It seems socially acceptable to do so and apologise each time you head towards someone coming at you from the right direction. The trolleys vear to the edges and their drivers maintain a polite distance nodding at each other.

There is no yeast. Bread making is off my list of things to do, sadly. Eggs are non existent unless they are chocolate ones. Pasta and flour have also disappeared. Once you get to the checkout, the employees are now protected by a tall perspex screen. I don't think cash changes hands anymore. It is all very calm but so different. Remember the old days... they may never be the same again.

Elsewhere things are running as a new normal too. I helped at a foodbank in Hodge Lea last Tuesday. We set up tables a discrete distance apart and when people arrived to pick up a food parcel they filled in a form and then took a ready-packed box. It struck me how these people needed more than food. Many had difficulty filling in a simple form - both in understanding what to do and in spelling simple words in their answers. It makes me wonder what sort of society we have here that gives such little support to people like this.

On the other side of the coin, my life is taken up watching "funny" videos from friends all over the world. There is a limitless supply that drops into my life through FB, whatsapp and messenger. I realise how other people have far too much time on their hands too. I try not to pass things on - mostly because I know that someone else will. Trending memes are hard to ignore! LOL.
Trending furniture... my patio table

I have also joined a pub quiz in Singapore run by Trouble Brewing on Zoom. I am the one person that turns it into an international event. My team - Blind Bambi ( think about it?)  - do a whatsapp discussion and one person hands in the answers. It is not quite as good as the real thing but it is a couple of hours fun every Wednesday.

On top of all that, we still manage to get some exercise - mostly cycling. The best distance so far was 15 miles. In fact, I am so busy I hardly have time to write to you, Marms. This doesn't mean I have forgotten you and that you have slipped out of my life. Please keep the selfies coming, you handsome chap, you.
A view from a ride

Love you so much, as always.



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