Monday, June 8, 2020

Keeping up my training

Dear Marmite

As you may remember, I used to have fairly regular training sessions on Sunday evenings in Singapore. Some people have been impressed with how long I have been in training with my friend, Rachel. It has even been commented on on FB.

This training continues even now I am in the UK. The only difference is we do it over a video link. Now we have a bottle of wine each and for me the session starts at 1pm. We sometimes have funny hats on, or silly glasses from the messenger app. Over all, our deadly serious training is all about drinking wine! You used to be part of the session Marmite, so you must remember the raucous laughter as we put the world to rights.

This is not my only way of keeping in touch with what is happening on the ground in Singapore and in Dairy Farm in particular. I also do the Trouble Brewing Quiz via zoom on a Wednesday with a chat on Whatsapp to discuss the answers for our team, Blind Bambi. My attendance makes this an international pub quiz! Trouble Brewing promises free delivery of their beer. I am trying to get this service but currently to no avail.

All in all, Singapore is faring so much better than we are here in the UK. My friend has started going to work again. She is an SDO - a "social distancing officer" in her place of work. She knows which parts of her building she can visit and she must scan a barcode to get in and out of her part of the building. Only half the workforce work in the office - the rest work at home. The other half come into the office on alternate days. This seems like a system - a bit regimented but at least everyone knows what is what.

I do my shopping in Tescos where the rules change almost daily. One day, the trolleys are cleaned for you, the next it is DIY cleaning. Sometimes only one person per trolley is allowed and then others it is OK for two people to walk together with one trolley. On ocassions there are also "lollipop" workers who walk around the store reminding everyone to keep 2 metres apart.

I have always found it a little difficult to stick to the rules so I have taken to dragging my trolley backwards down some aisles so the my trolley is pointing the right way but is going in the wrong direction. I figure I'll be inside for less time so in a way I am being sort of good.

Tescos has trouble  - that seems to be nothing in comparison to the border control. Priti Patel has made yet another major cock up. Not only is her system unworkable, apparently half the staff don't have a clue what they are supposed to be doing. While Priti Patel muddles and befuddles, the rest of the cabinet do their best to make her look competent by spouting equally ridiculous ideas to the nation and these, like TESCO, change daily.

OMG! I have no faith at all in this government. At the very worst they are self-serving idiots - and - they are economic with the truth to boot. PM Lee of Singapore is a true statesman. We need him here on loan - he could teach our government a thing or two. I know that government gaffs in Singapore don't get reported in the not so free press. I accept that and I know that no one is perfect. Even so, there is normative leadership - a sense that everyone is in the same boat working for the best outcome. Well done, Singapore. I miss you!

On the home front, Danielle my daughter has moved in and yesterday we had a BBQ in fairly miserable conditions. The weather is not so good for June. There is a reason for this. The reason is, I bought a BBQ. The day I bought it, the weather turned. I can guarentee a cool, damp summer from here on because of my actions. My apologies.
All a bit make do... but wonderful food

Our socially distanced BBQ of sheesh kebabs, vegetable kebabs and marinated chicken was a roaring success once the coals finally took. Shadow didn't like the fire so kept well away despite the tempting possibility of meat. She is polite like you, Marms. She will only eat when allowed to do so. I have to say she is a little treasure.

I am not one for watching TV but over the last week we have managed to do Killing Eve - all three series. For me, that is binge watching.  Illogical plot, I know, but a great story.

What can I say. Lockdown is annoying. My life is on hold. I have unfulfilled dreams. Day to day the minutes slip into hours and the coffee keeps flowing. Things are rosy. I am one of those who are experiencing a pleasant and whimsical lockdown. I will come out of this relatively unscathed.

Reading the news and the economic outlook for the UK with forcasts of 10% unemployment, increased homelessness and higher lovels of poverty as a result of the virus. We should be thinking of reshaping our world. What do you reckon, Marms? What would you do?

I would guess you would vote for long sleeps and shorter walks for starters.

Love you as always,


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