Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Things that Shock Me.

Dear Marmite

You wouldn't believe it. The world is in kilter - honestly! For starters, Mamite - the spread is rationed to small jars only. This as you can imagine is a big personal blow to me but the other really odd thing is that the queues to get a MacD's drive thru in Wolverton are so long the line snakes back to a mini roundabout and blocks the flow of traffic.

First of all, I can understand the outrage at having limited supplies of Marmite but I find it hard to believe that anyone can have missed having withdrawal symptoms from a Super Mac and skinny fries.

This sudden fad to queue for fast food with the engine idling and adding carbon to the atmosphere after a two months of fume-free roads is disappointing. In other ways the lockdown is lifting and I don't see much evidence of people taking this very seriously either. Last Sunday I walked around Willen Lake with a friend. It was busier than a Benidorm beach and there were very few people who observed the maximum group size.

Willen Lake- the bit without people

Some more shops have opened for business but I am not sure which ones. Clearly that is an opportunity I have missed from my exciting life - a visit to the shops! On the grapevine I hear that some shops are much better with the physical distancing than others. So this seems to be rather ad hoc. There are also a lot of discussions about getting kids back to school. I'm all for this but the planning is such a shambles I don't think this will happen - ever - at this rate.

My hairdressing skills were tested once again this week. I used to clamp you between my thighs to shave you, Marms. This is not a technique I am currently using. I didn't add a hole to the style this time. I'll count this as a skill I have picked up in lockdown.

Apparently, there are hairdressers who break the rules to cut people's hair over here. The service is advertised using a scissor emoji. The hairdressers do house visits or open the back door to their shops for customers. For the hairdresser, it is survival income and I am sure there are hundreds out there who wouldn't dare let their partners anywhere near their locks! In reptrospect, this might have been classified as an essential service.

On the home front, Danielle and Richard emptied a jigsaw on the coffee table. The jigsaw is an Escher and obviously is shades of grey - the same colour as the carpet. I manage to fit about five pieces a day and at this rate I can look forward to it being completed sometime near Christmas. They bought it from a charity shop for £1. This has to be one of the cheapest entertainments ever!

Fortunately for us, the weather is now summery and we sit and have our evening meal outside. Food quality is definitely on the up. Last night Richard cooked a meal using vegetables from the garden and last weekend we had Rhubarb Crumble. OMG. One hour from picking to eating - how fresh is that? Tonight - Nasser will wield the knife. Life is good!

Shadow now has the meaty leftovers for her dinner. I do think of you when she gets them. If only you were here to share. Miss you still



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