Friday, June 12, 2020

Somehow I've been here before - and lost!

Dear Marmite

Lockdown is slowly being lifted over here. the only differences I have noticed are more cars on the road and that shops are getting ready to open on June 15th. Some are already open. Yesterday we cycled to IKEA just to see if it was open but mostly for somewhere to cycle to.

You wouldn't believe how packed IKEA carpark was and how long the queue to get in was. The queue alone has put me off even wanting to go near the place even though there might be Mr Flatpack waiting inside just for me!

I know the weather in Singapore is barmy with thunderstorms. You are lucky, Marms. Here it is colder than March and quite wet. We set off just after lunch yesterday with an overcast sky and brisk winds. Almost immediately the 70% chance of rain turned into a 100% certainty of getting wet just where we were cycling. The brisk winds turned into an icy squall making for less than pleasant cycling.

Oh yes, we did get lost. First of all, bloody EE internet is worse than useless. I have a low signal and google barks instructions probably a few seconds after I pass the key turning. My friend, took over - he got us lost. We did a complete circle before we noticed we had been there before. I took a smug, private joy in not being the culprit for once. Small things bring great pleasure in times like this. I promise not to gloat.

In the car, IKEA is 6.9 miles away. We did 19.5 miles round trip. That is the extent of us getting lost. After all, it is lockdown and we really do have all day to do absolutely nothing so this is not a problem. Besides, going out in a squall almost guarantees you are safely socially distanced from everyone else. Few people are mad enough to go out in inclement weather - especially in June.

On the home front - My daughter is now fully moved in with Richard so the house is busy and buzzing. The last bathroom is nearly completely done -  fingers crossed. I am almost ready to say goodbye to my workmen after 5 months of having bits done to the place and constant dust. There are just a few things to be tweaked and that is that!

I have also started my third Futurelearn course. I am drawn to the social sciences and this one is about economics and politicians. The other night I watched Terry Jones' Boom Bust Boom on Youtube and on subsequent evenings a few interesting movies about the 2008 crash from Amazon TV. Also my reading list gets longer by the day so I won't get bored.

Sally Sourdough resting in her cage

My biggest joy is my rhubarb. It is a delight. It really does like this weather so there are little silver linings. I have also got a new pet - Sally Sourdough. She lets off a rather pleasant homely smell and fulfills my need to nurture. She won't replace you though, Marms - no one or nothing could.

Love you loads.



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