Sunday, June 28, 2020

Reasons to Celebrate July 4th in England

Dear Marmite,

Having a big celebration here on July 4th is normally unusual. It is Independence Day in the US and that was when they got independence from us. On that occasion we were the losers! Our big celebration will be the lifting of lockdown.

Big Bad Boris and his corrupt cronies have declared that life should move towards normal on this date. The new rules, like the old ones make no real sense. For instance, you can have a hair cut but not your nails done for starters. For the life of me, I can't see any logic in that rule. There are other interesting quirks about the new regime which are yet to be ironed out too.

I suspect the loosening of the 2 metre rule is because no one can figure out how to run schools without having a smaller distance between everyone. At this point, I could put my hand up and suggest a few safe ways round this - half days or half weeks in school and support at home with blended learning. Small group tutorials either online or in school for older students. I'll save my breath as no one is likely to listen. I imagine schools will be a hotbed for the transfer of infections come September. Naturally - it will be teachers' fault when that does happen - another opportunity for the blame game.

In reality, nobody seems to be observing 2 metre distancing anyway and shops are certainly not reinforcing the distancing rule while inside. Yesterday, no one was wearing a mask either. On a bitter day with gusting winds and intermittent downpours we popped to a shopping centre to have a look at clothes and sports shoes - just like half of Milton Keynes. My observation - too many people with very short memories.

First of all we passed a traffic jam waiting to get into the IKEA car park. The tailback was so long it took a while to realise what the issue was. At the nearby mini retail park, Costa Coffee was sort of semi open and there were queue's to get into all the shops. Despite my overwhelming annoyance at having to wait to shop, I was persuaded to stand around in a squall for a while til we were let in. 

I didn't particularly like shopping before lockdown and I am not too excited about being able to shop now! There are things that I am looking forward too. It would be nice to plan a bike ride to a village pub and then wobble home. That for me will be a joy and something I'd like to do. 

I had planned to visit my son in St. Andrews. I am in principle allowed to go but not to use public toilets on the way. The trip is 500 miles each way. I have decided to wait until the following weekend when that restriction will be lifted. Seeing people face to face will be another joy to celebrate. 

So over this lockdown it has been said that people will emerge as hunks, chunks, drunks or monks. I can certainly discount me being a monk. I have spent lockdown in very good company, unexpected as it was. I haven't hit the bottle no more than three times a week so alcohol consumption was kept in moderation. I can't describe myself as drunk.

Food has been of the best sort so I probably wobble a bit more even though I still roll around the bedroom floor feigning stretching most days and hit the road on my trusty bike. Balancing those two out I am wavering between chunk and hunk - not particularly a good description for women, me thinks.

The weather has been hotter than Singapore so we have spent a good deal of time in the garden under my improvised shade. The garden still needs a lot of work. I sit on the chair and feel a pang of guilt. Regardless, we have eaten broccoli leaves and rhubarb and there are now tomatoes, beans, potatoes, herbs and raddishes on their way to be harvested! Not bad for the first year of growth.

Danielle brought old photo albums over. These were pictures I hadn't seen since Sammi was born. Here are a couple of funnies.... for the clothes, for the memories and for history.

So Marms, how are things changing for you in Singapore. Are you getting out more? Seeing more people around? What do you make of being able to eat in restaurants again? In spite of the recent rains, you are in a good place. Be happy and stay safe.

Sending really big hugs to you. 



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