Sunday, June 21, 2020

Summer Solstice

Dear Marmite

There are many things that are different about life over here. One of them is the passing of the seasons. For this reason I thought it would be a great idea to watch the sunrise this morning. The official time for sun up was 4:52am so I set the alarm for 2:50am just so I had enough time for coffee and at 3:30 I set off with a very reluctant partner in crime for Midsummer Boulevard which was built in line with the solstice sunrise to watch this event.

Nasser was so reluctant he was given to muttering a few swear words (in English) about me as we set off. Unperturbed, I led the way along the cycle lanes towards the city centre. Many others have been press-ganged into participating in my "adventures" on previous occasions so overcoming resistance of this nature is not new to me. It was one more challenge!

So, at very early o'clock we pedalled through a miserable drizzle and waited for sun up. It must be noted that there was quite a crowd gathered so this puts me in a large category of people who are prepared to forego sleep. The event really was a damp squib. The cloud cover was so heavy there was a momentary glimpse of a red ball coming up over the horizon and then it disappeared behind heavy cloud. On cue, we did too. We cycled back through the rain and when we got in I shed my damp clothes and got back to bed just to warm up.

I forgot that I had the cycle app running on my phone and so at lunch time today it was telling me my workout was paused! This has to be my longest bit of exercise I have done without knowingly doing anything.

Danielle has brought a box of old photos over so I am going through them. Lots of the pictures are from my days in the Bahamas but some of them go back to sixth form and uni days. The bright coloured jacket I wore for my trip from Singapore is in some pictures from 1990! I have had that item of clothing for 30 years.

There is also a picture of the Beetle that Danielle was born in in 1986. So all in all it has been a really nostalgic trip down memory lane. I am only half way through the albums so far as there are literally hundreds of pictures. The only trouble is - I need storage space so it will have to be a pretty  big house I get as I'll need to store them.

We are out of lockdown and there is more life about. Shops have signs saying they are opening up and the streets do feel busier. Tescos still has the 2 metre blobs on the floor and directional arrows which seem to be largely ignored. I would give anything to sit in a pub garden and have a beer - not possible just yet, though.

The biggest plus from the lift is that I could get the stuff returned to B&Q. Some of the things ordered were wrong and so my contractors had to get alternatives. Other things had been double ordered. Getting rid of a garage load of stuff has been a big step in the right direction. The house six months on is nearly sorted.

Already I am looking on lockdown as being one with happy times. Danielle misinformed me about when Richard's birthday was so I made a set of general knowledge questions about his birth date and things he is interested in - the birth date questions I have had to update so that they refer to 5th July - his birthday!

I have put a question on little cards and hung them round bottles of beer ( different varieties). I am going to put these round the house for a treasure hunt and he can only drink them when he gets the question right...I really do have too much time on my hands! We are also doing a BBQ for a select few...

So as you can see Marms we really are into homemade fun. I bet you wish you were here! I do.

Love you as always



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