Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Complete Potcake

Dear Marmite

You are a potcake. I am a potcake. I suspect most of the world are too but they won't admit it. Bahamians call mongrel dogs potcakes - a dog where everything has been thrown into the mix. 

I know that you are a Rotweiller somewhere in your DNA. Your colouring and size are big giveaways but you do have a tail that is a bit German Shepherd. Inside you is Wuss. In fact, your very nature is wussy.

I am the same as you. Perhaps not so much of the wuss but I am a mixed bag. I treated myself to a DNA test for my birthday and after a lot of delays the results finally came back. The company says it traced my DNA back 32 generations to around 1170 AD when I had Japanese and Gujarati in my blood. 27 generations ago I had Columbian and then Peruvian and the British Isles doesn't pop up until 1470s. 

After that time there is evidence of Toscani Italian, Iberian, Sri Lakan Tamil, Northern European, North Western European, Punjabi and Bengali. I am 3% British Isles which probably explains my anti- BREXIT stance and possible a few other other things about me.

To be honest, this wasn't what I was expecting. As I come out as 55% Italian, I will now eat more pasta, drink prosecco by the gallon and gesticulate more avidly. Perhaps this is not PC but I do feel I have to grow into the role of not being British! All I can say is my forebears certainly got around!

I have been watching a bit of TV too. On BBC there is a really intense documentary about the war in Iraq. No one comes out of this particularly well - especially the politicians Bush and Blair -  and we all know how it has ended up. It has been especially interesting watching with Nasser who has his own slant on the war. 

We only watch one episode an evening because it is rather painful so I haven't got to the end of it yet. Apparently, Iran was complicit in stirring up trouble but so far this hasn't got a mention. In one of the clips of Saddam Hussein in his earlier years I thought he looked a lot like Nasser. So we now talk about Uncle Saddam! DNA could come from anywhere as I have realised. Who knows - they might be related!

On other fronts, I did a longish jaunt on the bike along country roads to a pub in Silverstone  - famous for F1. I do this not only for my enjoyment but also to make Nasser a bit more of a Brit ( he still doesn't eat Marmite BTW). 

I am rather glad the pubs are open. It means that my cycling has a purpose - half way round there is a place to sit down and have a beer - or in my case - a cider. Added to the pleasures of pedalling, the weather has turned into summer once more and that makes people smile  - even under their masks. 

So from one Potcake to another I send lots of hugs and cuddles.

Love you


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