Sunday, July 5, 2020

On getting there

Dear Marmite

First of all, let me say how good you looked in the photo you sent earlier today - you really are a very sprightly, handsome 13 and a half year old. Oh, how I miss our chats. Life over here now the lockdown is easing isn't that much different for me. As you know I am not much of a shopper. I really do want to go to a pub  - mostly because it is a British thing to do but I'll wait til people settle to a routine before I bother. It is nice to know that the opportunity is there though. 

Yesrterday, we popped into Central Milton Keynes. It is one huge shopping mall with most of the shops you would find in other parts of the world. There were long queues outside, Boots, Primark and John Lewis. Obviously, I couldn't be bothered about waiting to get into a shop so we sauntered along, window shopped and did little else. 

As you know Marms, after my fall at work I have had a few twinges. I can't have physio at the moment and proprietary pain killers weren't touching the spot so I finally phoned the doctor. I should have done it long before. I now have a specific exercise programme to add to my daily rolling around the bedroom floor, and some specific medicine to reduce the pain. I have a trapped nerve in my back, toothache in my bottom and a hamstring that doesn't like me walking around. I have swapped these symptons for a bit of nausea and a slight headache. At the moment I see it as a good deal. At least I don't feel like eating so that is a bonus.

I still have far too much time on my hands. I have been doing a treasure hunt with bottles of beer and cider for Richard's birthday which is today. He has been pretty good at finding the answers to the clues on the bottles. I am not too sure whether this is a desperation to drink or a natural bent at pub quizzes. Either way it has added a bit of fun to our lives.

Other highlights include eating from the garden. Tonight we will be having broccoli with new potatoes and salmon. The salmon is long since dead but the other two items are top-notch fresh. Distributing food on Tuesdays is our way of marking the passing of the weeks too. I have got to know the people on my round in Stacey Bushes - an area of Milton Keynes. This distribution is carrying on til September. It is all very well planned and we do keep a physical distance when handling parcels.

The biggest news is that Nasser had a letter from the Home Office. He is not out of the woods yet but at least they got his name right and said that he has been moved along to the next stage of the asylum / refugee process. Just getting the letter was cause for celebration. It is a big ray of hope. 

Could hope for more rays of sunshine... The weather is atrocious for July - a typical Wimbledon week of rain, winds and low temperatures. Am I still dreaming of the glorious endless summer in Singapore, I wonder? I have already bought two coats and a jacket since my return to cover most weather eventualities. They all get worn as well.

You have a good thick coat, Marms. You would do well in this climate, I'm sure. 

Love you...


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