Saturday, July 25, 2020

A jumble of good bits and worse

Dear Marmite,

Another week passes and so much of my life is the same. Over here in the UK we have been told we should wear masks in shops but this is not compulsory. Some shops have already said they won't enforce it. We were, however, given a specific date to look forward to when this new non-compulsory change to everyday life was to take place - 24th July. So Marms, over here in the UK without clear leadership, but with known support from our Russian "Friends" our government flip flops along in a most dire state.

I have to say there is a fellow rotweiller that I most admire over here. His name is Keir Starmer and he regularly chews Big Bad Boris up and spits him out for breakfast. PMQs is probably the finest comedy happening over here at the moment. It is so aptly described by John Grace in The Guardian - a highlight of my little world.

Seeing Keir in action makes me feel proud to have been with you for so long, Marms. If only you could have seen him in action. He is a true rotweiller! For once I jeer at the underdog with his waffle, whiffle,  piffle explanations as to why we are "world beating". The only major joy from reading the news is that Trump has made a bigger balls up of this crisis than everyone else.

On the home front, a major sadness about lifting lockdown is that people are out and about and marking their territory with rubbish. The photo doesn't do justice to how much garbage there was around a park bench not 20 yards from a bin! Perhaps locking up these antisocial oafs would be a positive move - let's have a nicer new normal!

I have been indulging in taking ripe blackberries from hedges around where I live. The first ones Nasser picked from a garden (oops) where we were delivering parcels. They were wonderful and have obviously benefited from cooler weather and regular rain. I hope this behaviour doesn't come into the antisocial range - I am sure it won't count as petty theft!

I popped to Willen Lake on my bike to join a photography group on Friday. This was the first meet-up since the lockdown. It was a great opportunity for learning. Now I have to work out how to get my raw pictures onto a new tablet that won't talk to old technology. This is most annoying. I don't want a new camera but I might need to get one just so I can play with the images on the screen. 

Following my artistic bent, I spent a couple of days drawing. I could spend hours and not notice the time disappear. What wonderful therapy! My daughter is having a baby in January. It will have 34th generation Japanese and Gujarati DNA and it will probably keep me from my drawing so I'll make the most of this time before I get called on to baby sit.. Oh the joys! 

I read on FB that it takes a village to bring up a child but it takes a vineyard to homeschool one! I should probably get some practice in! hic

Love you


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