Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Long Time, No see

Dear Marmite,

This has been the longest time I have left between letters. It is is not that I haven't thought about you. The reverse is true. Lots of things have been happening my end. I have started a new art project - bottle painting; and I went to visit Sammi up in St Andrews - That is about 500 miles from home. You would have loved the car ride. You always did. 

The trip to Scotland had been put on hold because of COVID. Scotland has stricter rules about distancing than England and everyone seems to respect those rules. The most peculiar sight was seeing long, snaking queues outside every Fish and Chip shop. People had clearly been deprived of a very basic necessity for a very long time. 

We did lots of outdoor things like swimming in the sea and walking. Lucky, the dog, was never very far behind. At one point when I was walking along a cliff a lady asked me if that was Lucky. She was a friend of Sam's. Sam took the boys and Nasser on the chain walk which meant they
had to climb up and down rocks so I took Lucky the picturesque way over the top.

I also had my first hit at tennis with Sam. He is very tall, very strong and very scary with a racquet in his hand. I remember when he used to cry if I spun the ball at him. Now he shows very little mercy. It was a lesson rather than a game. By way of revenge Nasser beat Sammi at chess. 

Dylan and Reef, my grandsons - who you must remember- scootered everywhere. Dylan is a very serious and loves Minecraft - a game which gets rationed. Reef is much more into raw brutality but has a way of smiling his way out of trouble. Both are super duper climbers with no fear factor. If I looked after them for too long, I'd age prematurely from worry. 

On our way back from Scotland we called into a pub and met an old friend from Singapore - we talked about work and old friends and while sitting in an old village pub we transported our way back to the good old days!! Oh how easy that is to do. Until we meet again, Sue! 

So all round it has been a long time and no see. Sammi, I saw at the beginning of March, Sue I last saw in 2018 and you, Marmite, I last saw in a beautiful picture of you snuggled up under a blanket just last week.

Hugs and cuddles over the airwaves



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